Fate can not escape | Samsung cell phone battery problems again

Set micro-grid news, in 2016 Samsung Note7 battery explosion, shocked the world, triggered a lot of consumer panic, a heavy pressure on Samsung's brand image, some good netizens look noisy, do a lot of spoof Samsung Note7 explosion pictures and video, although it is ridicule means stronger, but for Samsung is definitely not a good thing.

Picture source: Weibo

Time to 2017, Samsung introduced the Note7 sequel --Note8, some people are looking to see Note8 will repeat Note7's mistakes, a security incident, but let them down, Note8 actually nothing, just as Samsung An unexpected accident occurred when I wanted relief.

Picture credit: Android Authority

This accident is still happening on the battery, but no explosion as serious, according to technology blog Android Authority Beijing December 28 reported that many users in the Samsung Forum reflect the Samsung Note8 in the battery runs out and shut down, can not Charging and power-on.In addition, many users reflect the Samsung S8 Plus also have similar problems.

Photo Source: Technology News

In this forum, a Samsung Forum owner named SamsungMel suggested that users replace the flawed cell phone during the warranty period and said that the special problem that 'Note8 can not be turned on is definitely what we need to solve immediately.'

Image Source: Sohu

Samsung Note7's battery 'explosion door' was finally vanished, people are gradually forgotten, the Samsung Note8 jumped out of a battery 'sleepy door', which is trouble that way, although Samsung to battery suppliers from ATL to Murata, but Still can not escape the fate of the battery problems, maybe Samsung should not give the memory and other parts prices, which may be civil karmic retribution it.

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