The nano-meter of nanoseconds (10-9 m) in length, developed by the team of the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory, uses all the energy from photons.
Often, it is rare to see energetic (high kinetic energy) energies in the larger particles that are close to the photons of hot electrons, so scientists have to get through the help of smaller particles so researchers first respond to hot light The structure of the metal and nanomaterials has been adjusted, which is the first step in increasing the number of high-energy electrons.
To find out which mixed nanomaterials can generate the most hot electrons, the researchers tried many combinations and in the end they announced the winners: silver nanoboards and metal thin films separated by alumina spacers that further enhance the energy of the light , One of the keys is that this nanostructure produces hot electrons from a wider spectral range (near-IR, visible to UV) than other structures.
The team used transient absorption spectroscopy to measure the rate of change of hot electron concentration to determine when and how hot electrons lost energy, helping researchers find a clue to reducing energy loss or establishing a Quickly extract the method.
In addition, the nanostructures contain different energy bands that affect the rate of decay of hot electrons traveling in-band, and as a result, different types of electrons eventually have different lifetimes, depending on their direction of travel in the material. As Matthew Sykes explains, you can imagine that some of the electrons are vehicles driving on the highway, and if the traffic is not congested and rarely encounters other cars, the electrons can stay at a higher rate for a longer period of time; conversely, if Some of the unfortunate electric encounters rush traffic rush, they have to slow down, and this will affect the hot electron can be activated when activated.