According to the report, Apple updated its front-end TrueDepth camera to provide new security detection and augmented reality (AR) capabilities with Face ID and Animoji, and consumer reviews of Face ID are even more positive. , Panel, battery also won high scores, about 80% of the reviews are biased toward the positive, but the total score is still not high camera.
Brand equity is still a key factor for iPhone X. Apple created a strong brand with loyal customers, users who have entered the product ecosystem will not easily leave, will continue to use Apple products.
Japanese website December 22 quoted AppleInsider reported that the latest Apple KGI Guoguang Gu analyst report issued a report pointed out that Apple is expected in the 2019 version of the iPhone with a more power-consuming evolution of TrueDepth camera and AR (Augmented reality) function, so Apple is expected to continue in the period 2019-2020 to expand iPhone battery capacity.
Mr Guo said Apple's key technologies, including semiconductor process, SiP and SLP, will allow Apple to create more room inside the iPhone for larger capacity Of the battery, and optimistic about the iPhone battery Rigid-Flex PCB (Rigid-Flex PCB, referred to as RFPCB) supplier Yaohua, Wah Tung, Yan Hing at least benefit from 2019-2020.
For the first time, iPhone X unlocked the phone with face recognition to capture the attention of the public, while AMS AG, which provides sensors for FaceID, jumped more than threefold between (2017) and November 2017. Analysts Think, AMS stock price should still have 30% of the upside.
Barron` reported on November 11 that a research report by Morgan Stanley analyst Francois Meunier pointed out that Apple had only introduced TouchID to a few devices at a later date Which will be rolled out to multiple versions of the iPhone and iPad, it is estimated that FaceID will have a similar development model, AMS share price outlook is pretty.Marina sets AMS target price of 125 Swiss francs, more than the closing price on November 10 Out 32.4%.
FaceIS's 3D sensor module will also be supported in the future with the iPhone in the back, close to the main camera, rather than just the screen end. This will enable the virtual reality (AR) In addition, there are many interesting applications for measuring clothing size directly on the Internet when purchasing clothing, and AMS 3D sensing technology can be applied to the self-driving and artificial intelligence industries.