Samsung this year, making special profits, profits repeatedly set a new record, the push behind this chip or their strong chip that catches up with memory, SSD price boom, while the processor foundry business is downwind.
According to Japanese media reports, Samsung January to September this year, Samsung's semiconductor business revenues 53.15 trillion won (about 49.2 billion US dollars), an increase of 46% .IntelMeriod semiconductor revenue was 45.7 billion US dollars, an increase of 6%.
The face of the second half is still the price of memory, Samsung profits are soaring, so even included in the exchange rate changes, Samsung's semiconductor revenue this year can certainly surpass Intel.
In fact, Samsung's chip revenue above Intel is also an inevitable thing (holding the chip revenue for the first place for 25 years), which still rely on PC CPU revenue, while the PC market has been saturated. Although the demand for memory chips is expected to continue Soaring, but if the chip maker to increase production capacity, its price may drop.
In contrast, Samsung is diversified in chip revenue, one is the improvement of storage capacity of intelligent machines, the other is the vigorous development of the data center industry, so they also took the first thing is reasonable.