Recently, due to import tariffs, Apple raised the price of most iPhone in India, of which 256GB version of the iPhone X price reached 105,720 rupees (about 10900 yuan), or 3.6%, 256GB version of the iPhone 8 price of 79420 Rs (about 8,200 yuan), or 3.1%.
However, on the other hand, the current status of Apple on the other hand is that Apple's market share in India, the world's second-largest market, is only 3%, much lower than that of the first millet and the second, compared to the markets of China and the United States.
So, the pot has to be backed up. Now, according to the Indian Economic Times, Sanjay Kaul, the head of Apple's India operations, has left the company and has been in charge of Apple's Indian business for a year and a half, but the development is not optimistic. Come, Apple has to develop suitable for India's local 'play' ah.
Recently, due to import tariffs, Apple raised the price of most iPhone in India, of which 256GB version of the iPhone X price reached 105,720 rupees (about 10900 yuan), or 3.6%, 256GB version of the iPhone 8 price of 79420 Rs (about 8,200 yuan), or 3.1%.
However, on the other hand, the current status of Apple on the other hand is that Apple's market share in India, the world's second-largest market, is only 3%, much lower than that of the first millet and the second, compared to the markets of China and the United States.
So, the pot has to be backed up. Now, according to the Indian Economic Times, Sanjay Kaul, the head of Apple's operations in India, has left the company and has been in charge of Apple's Indian business for a year and a half, but the development is not optimistic. Come, Apple has to develop suitable for India's local 'play' ah.