According to Bloomberg, the San Jose, CA, court has ordered Apple to pay $ 25,000 a day (from December 16 onwards) for failing to produce the documents required for the FTC proceedings earlier this year on the anti-competitive Qualcomm sued Qualcomm Inc. For example, Qualcomm offers Apple the option to reduce royalties if Apple uses only its baseband chip on an iPhone.
Apple spokesman Josh Rosenstock denied that the company had concealed the relevant documents and told Bloomberg: 'We have produced millions of documents for this case and are working hard to step up our efforts in a very short period of time Provide more requested information documents and we plan to appeal the decision.
It is unclear why Apple can not quickly prepare the information as the court requires, as the delay in submitting the court's decision would be good for Qualcomm unless the decision is revoked, otherwise Apple will have to file it by December 29, otherwise Will face more serious fines.
However, regardless of the amount of the fine, it has little effect on Apple's financial position because Apple can make a profit of 25,000 U.S. dollars in a matter of seconds.
Although Apple did not directly involved in the lawsuit, but the two companies are some legal contest.
In January of this year, Apple launched the war, using the Federal Trade Commission litigation, sued Qualcomm for $ 1 billion.
Last November, the chip maker countered its lawsuit by accusing Apple of failing to comply with its software licensing terms and sharing proprietary information with its rivals.
Apple sued Qualcomm again in late November, claiming that the old snapdragon chip infringed at least eight patents.
Of course, Qualcomm also responded in its own case, claiming that from iPhone 7 to iPhone X, all iPhones infringed at least 16 patents.