Lenovo Holdings said in an interview with SINA that it welcomes market investors who recognize the brand name and value of Legend Holdings as shareholders of the company and that the company's operations are normal and fundamentals are stable and Legend Holdings will continue to play a "two wheel drive" business model The unique advantages of promoting the company's value of sustained growth.
As to be a "H share circulation" pilot company, Legend Holdings said it has taken note of the related rumors, the company rumors about the limited understanding of the media reports without further information as a listed company, Lenovo Holdings to support the regulatory agencies to promote capital market reform The various initiatives.
Holdings Lenovo, Yesterday, Purple Technology announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange said December 22 in the open market to further purchase of SMIC about 4.16 million shares without trading cost per share the average purchase price of 11.87 Hong Kong dollars , Saying that the acquisition of SMIC shares is an attractive investment, helping to enhance return on investment