Chewing food not only good for the stomach, but also to help you have a perfect body, in the end why, then look down.
1. More likely to have a feeling of fullness, less caloric intake
Most people do not eat much depends on the heat, but not feeling full.
It takes about 20 minutes for the brain to receive a full stomach signal, and for those who eat more slowly, enough time to receive the signal and stop eating in time, with less caloric intake.
However, people who eat fast, often when you feel full, have unknowingly ate more food, and even beyond the capacity of the stomach.
Memories of the fat around you, when they eat is not often devoured, unlucky, looks very fragrant look?
Chewing more times will consume more calories
Statistics show that modern people chew 900 to 1100 times per meal from more than 40 years ago, with a time of 20 to 30 minutes, dropping to 500 to 600 times per chewing at present, taking 5 to 10 minutes.
But chewing this action itself, but also can consume calories!
How to develop a good habit of chewing slowly?
1, keep grateful, relaxed mood when eating
In the past people were grateful for every meal, and eating was the most relaxing and enjoyable at this time.Note that you should slow down your pace for at least 30 minutes at a time, or listen to your favorite meal Music, find friends and family, let your own meal time is relaxed. This natural healthier body!
2, enjoy the immediate food
Now people often eat at the same time for a variety of things: watching TV, using a computer, playing electric, accounting ... busy to your head do not know that you are eating, naturally, will not inform the digestive system work.
Eating should not be like work, but it should be a pleasure to screen for your meal! Your senses only recognize that you are eating before digesting, so when you enjoy eating, Are eating, why not enjoy, eat well?
3, to create a safe eating environment
Eat the environment must be safe, so as to be relaxed, the stomach will be well digested .A lot of family dinner like opening battles the General Assembly, take turns accounting, so how to eat rice? Family dining atmosphere is not good, family digestion is not good, No matter what the big deal, do not mention before and after eating.