To explain the white air conditioning and cooling, heating which is more power, but also to ask you a small partner to recall: is not every time from the air conditioner outside the machine, you have detour, farther the better! After all, a wave of summer heat Heat waves, a cold wind in winter, it is indeed very sour ......

This two days inside and outside the scene of ice and fire, air conditioning and heating is the most simple principle: indoor heat and outdoor heat exchange. In winter, the outdoor heat 'move' to the interior; summer, the indoor heat 'handling To the outdoors.
As a 'porter' air-conditioning is how it work? Encyclopedia of refrigeration today simply talk about ~
Move a small bench to listen to friends ~
General air conditioning is composed of four pieces: compressors, condensers, expansion valves and evaporators, according to the control or the need to use the middle can choose to install pressure controller, temperature controller, drying filter and other auxiliary devices, but the four pieces Is essential.Working gaseous refrigerant through the compressor is compressed into high temperature and pressure of the gas, into the condenser, the condenser is equivalent to a heat exchanger, the high temperature and pressure of the gaseous refrigerant into low temperature and low pressure liquid Refrigerant liquid refrigerant through the expansion valve, the so-called expansion valve is a throttling device, due to the refrigerant flowing out of the expansion valve is contained, so after the refrigerant pressure decreases, the temperature continues to decline, as a two-phase gas and then re-enter Evaporator, at this time in the reheater refrigerant reheat gasification, as a high temperature and low pressure gas refrigerant back to the compressor to continue cycling.
Home air conditioners are generally air-cooled and cold-air cooling systems (the central air conditioner also contains water cooled air, water cooled water, air cooled water, etc.), the front refers to the form of heat exchange in the condenser and the latter word refers to the form of heat exchange in the evaporator In other words, in the cooling, the refrigerant heat exchanger in the condenser, blower through the fan evaporator, the evaporator temperature is relatively low compared to room temperature, then the natural blowing is cold.If the air conditioning with heating function, Then the compressor after the refrigerant system to install one-way valve and four-way valve, both of which is to change the flow of refrigerant, cooling system at this time the condenser and evaporator functions were interchanged , That is to say, the condenser during cooling becomes an evaporator during heating, and the evaporator during cooling becomes a condenser during heating, so that when the fan blows during cooling, the evaporator is now blown So, it is hot air blowing out.
Air conditioning and cooling or heating costs? Air conditioning and cooling or heating and electricity costs?
Because the motor power is constant, so in absolute terms, it should be the same power consumption, but in fact to illustrate this point will be more complex, air-conditioning capacity to measure an important parameter is the COP value, which is often said Energy consumption ratio, in terms of popular consumption of 1KW I can generate electricity how much cold heat, COP higher, the better the performance, because in the air conditioning design, usually the selection of various components is based on the cooling conditions to choose , In the case of refrigeration, the choice of condenser heat exchange is usually equal to the sum of the cooling capacity and the compressor heat loss, and the evaporator heat transfer is equal to the unit cooling capacity, that is to say the condenser is usually larger than the evaporator heat transfer Therefore, the heating capacity of air-conditioners should be worse, which means that under rated conditions (usually to select the rated conditions, for ease of comparison) COP value of the refrigeration is greater than the COP value of the heating can be seen, the same loss of 1 degree of electricity, Cooling capacity than the heating capacity, or conversely speaking, in the case of cooling capacity and heating capacity, heating more electricity consumption, therefore, why heating is more power is the reason.