This year, Apple introduced Face ID, a 3D facial recognition system, on the release of the iPhone X. It is reported that iPhone X's Face ID uses 'TrueDepth' camera technology with a variety of ambient light sensors, distance sensors, infrared sensors and dot matrix projectors Sensor equipment.
Pass plus one 6 will use iPhone X similar technology level Face ID and no bangs Obviously, this innovative feature of Apple, the benchmark in the handset industry, will soon be 'learned' by other handset makers.
According to Android Marvel, a reliable source disclosed that one plus six will use the more advanced face recognition scheme, and the overall technical hierarchy will be very similar to iPhone X. "
According to sources, one plus six facial unlock components will include infrared dot matrix projection module, depth sensing, but not the bangs screen. In other words, still keep the forehead completely.
Although there are many Android phones that support facial recognition on the market today, most of these phones use software-level algorithms to achieve face recognition, therefore, they are inferior in security and practicability to iPhone X Face IDs .
Pass plus one 6 will use iPhone X similar technology level Face ID and no bangs Interestingly, well-known Apple analyst Kwok Ming-kwan once said that with Apple's introduction of facial recognition and TrueDepth cameras, he expects Android smartphone makers to start researching facial recognition technology, but it will take 2.5 years for Android vendors to copy iPhone X TrueDepth Camera features and user experience.
So next year, plus one 6 can really use the same technology and iPhone X, we'll see.