'Nine girl, is the alcohol high in calories?'
'Can I drink while I'm losing weight?'
'If you listen to me, I just can not say
'What about beer?'
Can not
'Red wine?'
Therefore, we should talk about the theme of "drinking" during this period.
I know you a lot of people, especially men, love wine. Friends go play together, then how can there be no cold beer? Customer entertainment, not drinking the scene is not hot enough, right?
Thin paper can be arbitrary | fat paper can only be restrained
Let's look at "the heat of alcohol"
The heat of alcohol is 700 calories / 100 grams
Fat calories is 900 calories / 100 grams
Protein is 400 calories / 100 grams
Carbohydrate is 400 calories / 100 grams
A bottle of beer is 240 calories, drink a bottle of beer a day, a year fat 11kg.According to a report released by the National Center for Health Statistics findings show that nearly 20% of men and 6% of women drink only daily Get more than 300 calories calories, add weight 14kg a year.
Excess alcohol in Sweden is added to the gasoline to power the car (see how high the heat of alcohol is).
Is beer possible?
After a summer of sports a beer, is not so bad, because the summer exercise water loss, a lot of electrolyte loss.Drinking beer can quickly add water and electrolyte (effect and sports drink function)
However, things are bad on alcohol, the alcohol content of beer is about 4-5%.
In addition to calories, alcohol will give us something
① alcohol will speed up your urination
That is to say, you will soon want to drink beer, pee, up to the purpose of water after exercise, is not conducive to the body to recover.
② alcohol is not conducive to injury after exercise repair
We know that exercise can cause physical damage (large or small). Taking running as an example, each time we hit the ground on the soles of the feet, the power of the vibrations causes minor damage to the foot muscles, knee joints, and ankles. After exercise, the body quickly repairs these injuries and builds a stronger body to exercise.
However, scientific studies have found that alcohol intake inhibits the immune system, affecting blood flow, as well as the body's protein synthesis, which is not conducive to the body after exercise to repair these sports injuries .Especially for athletes, alcohol intake after exercise is not recommended More than 0.5g / kg body weight.
0.5g alcohol / kg body weight is what the concept?
Take a normal adult with a weight of 60kg as an example. If you drink more than 60x0.5 = 30g after exercise, it will affect the injury repair after exercise.
335ml of cans of beer, about 355x5% alcohol (degrees of alcohol) x0.8 (alcohol density) = 14.2 grams
640ml bottle of beer, alcohol content of about 640x5% (degree of alcohol) x0.8 (alcohol density) = 25.6 grams
Two cans of beer trivial, and now it is going to exceed the standard Oh.
③ alcohol injury liver
And not to mention the well known dangers of alcoholic liver, fatty liver and cirrhosis, but from an exercise point of view, alcohol damages the liver's ability to store glycogen, and we know that glycogen is an important source of energy for our movement .
④ alcohol on muscle effects
Alcohol also affects muscle storage and whether it is a function of muscle glycogen, which is not good for the body to regulate blood sugar levels.
After drinking (blood contains more than normal alcohol) to exercise, will make the content of hormone imbalance, catabolism accelerated, such as increased cortisol hormone, thereby accelerating muscle breakdown.At the same time, responsible for the synthesis of muscle hormones, such as decreased testosterone, Muscle synthesis slowed down.
What about "red wine"?
Although many studies have shown that red wine is good for cardiovascular and anti-aging, it is still the same problem, and if you drink a small cup a day from a health perspective, there will not be any problem, but if you make a mistake at the wine table, Bottom of the bottle, then the bad will certainly extra benefits.
So what is the conclusion?
Alcohol high in calories
2. Alcohol is not conducive to physical rehabilitation after exercise
Alcohol injury liver
4. Alcohol will accelerate muscle breakdown
As long as the feelings are, drink what is wine