From a modern medical point of view, obesity is not a blessing, but a curse, easily lead to diabetes, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, but will really reduce the life expectancy of these diseases are the main killer of human health. Therefore, weight loss, the potential Will do.
How to quickly lose weight?
Do housework: laundry, grocery shopping, wiping the floor ... Although these little housekeeping is very trivial, but can consume more calories.As small as many, as long as perseverance, you can achieve good weight-loss results.
Swimming: The heat transfer in water is 28 times that of air, and the amount of calories consumed by people staying in the water for 8 minutes is the same as that consumed for 2 hours in the air at the same temperature, so it has a better weight-loss effect.
Climbing the stairs: climb 30 minutes of stairs can consume 260 kcal of heat, 10 times more than sit-ups, more than 4 times more than walking, 2.5 times more swimming than swimming, equivalent to jogging 800-1500 meters, especially conducive to weight loss.
Green papaya salad: go to any Thai restaurant, you will see the menu of green papaya salad, the salad crisp and crisp, delicious, do not let you think belly fat or constipation, you can also add fresh mango and papaya .
Give Welfare: Come and see how you should lose weight?
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