Developing radiation-resistant systems for space applications not only takes a long time to deliver, but it is very costly because the system must be extremely reliable for long years in harsh environments. Today, NewSpace and other major aerospace applications are To speed development and reduce costs To meet these needs, Microchip Technology Inc. has introduced a new microcontroller (MCU) that combines unique radiation resistance with existing commercial (COTS) devices Low-cost development features.
The ATmegaS64M1, Microchip's second megaAVR® 8-bit MCU, uses a development methodology called 'COTS Radiation Resistant' that utilizes a proven automotive grade device, the ATmega64M1, to develop the corresponding high reliability Pin plastic, and space-grade ceramic packages that are designed to meet the radiation-resistant requirements and have the following targeted properties: • Fully tolerant of single-particle event latching (SEL) up to 62 MeV.cm² / mg • Secure storage Integrity with no single event event SEFI • Accumulated total ionization dose (TID) between 20 and 50 Krad (Si) • Single event event reversal (SEU) for all function modules
The new device joins the ATmegaS128, a radiation-tolerant MCU that has been designed for several critical space missions, including Mars exploration and hundreds of LEO satellite constellations.
ATmega64M1 COTS devices, along with their complete development toolchain, including development kits and code configurators, can be used to begin the development of hardware, firmware, and software.When the final system is ready for prototyping, pilot production or mass production, pin-compatible, Radiation-resistant 32-pin ceramic package (QFP32) devices replace COTS devices and function the same as the original devices, significantly reducing costs while reducing development time and risk.
Patrick Sauvage, Director, Aerospace, Microchip, said: "Our COTS radiation-proof approach gives us the most compelling space-grade device for the aerospace industry with enhanced screening of enhanced devices. Also, the development of COTS devices And then replace it with a pin-compatible, fully-featured, high-reliability plastic or ceramic package that shortens development time and costs and risks for our customers. "
The ATmegaS64M1 meets the high operating temperature range of -55 ° C to + 125 ° C. It is the first COTS radiation-hardened MCU that combines a controller area network (CAN) bus, digital-to-analog converter (DAC) and motor control. These features make it ideal for a wide range of subsystems for satellite, constellation, launcher or key avionics applications such as remote terminal controllers and data processing functions, etc. For more information, visit .
Development Support To simplify the design flow and reduce time-to-market, Microchip provided the ATmegaS64M1 with a complete STK 600 development board to help designers quickly get started developing code with advanced capabilities for prototyping and testing new designs powered by Atmel Studio Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for development, debugging and software libraries.
Availability and Packaging Samples and bulk quantities for four derivatives are currently available: • ATmegaS64M1-KH-E, ceramic prototype QFP32 package • ATmegaS64M1-KH-MQ, ceramic space QFP32 package, QMLQ qualified • ATmegaS64M1-KH- Qualified for QMLV in Ceramic Space QFP32 Package • ATmegaS64M1-MD-HP, Plastic QFP32 Package, AQEC High Reliability for Mass Production