Artificial intelligence has now been extended to space exploration, with NASA announcing the discovery of two extrasolar planets with the help of a neural network developed by the Google AI team, one of which is named 'Depler-90i' Centered around 2,545 light-years of 'Kepler-90' stars NASA astronaut Andrew Vanderburg describes the Kepler-90 as a mini-version of the solar system in which planets are arranged from small to large. The new planet was discovered at NASA After that, the Kepler-90 has as many as eight planets in the solar system, in fact, NASA's Kepler satellite existed as early as four years ago, but NASA did not find out more about it. Kepler's mission is to look for planet-like planets outside the Milky Way and detect over 35,000 possible planets over the years, making it hard to screen manually because of the sheer volume of data NASA has the most likely planet of choice for automation systems, But sometimes weaker signals are missed.Now Vanderburg and Google engineer Christopher Shallue decided to use machine learning and Google's neural network to filter old data, starting with 1 5,000 Kepler signals to train the network and then to analyze nearly 1,000 weak signals out of the known planet-saved systems to dig out the two planets that have been buried for many years. Vanderburg said the neural network is still not perfect and there are sometimes mistakes , But has been able to find more planets that have been missed before. NASA's new findings underscore the potential of machine learning beyond computer science, and NASA said it will use AI to assist in more exploration missions in the future.