On December 5, Qualcomm unveiled its newest flagship mobile chip, the Snapdragon 845, in Hawaii. The most compelling features include immersive experience, artificial intelligence-enabled user experience, XR, security, movie-quality video capture, Mega-fiber connection, etc., and built a secure encryption chip this one, so we can not help but think of Jin.
Golden is the earliest advocate of security mobile phone manufacturers, and its biggest feature is built-in security chip encryption, M7 is built-in dual security encryption chip, Qualcomm launched before the end of this year 845 began to consider the issue of cell phone security, so we can not Do not admire domestic mobile phone manufacturers in the technical forward-looking.
Qualcomm this year, the resistance in the acquisition of NXP, according to an informed source, Qualcomm 38 billion acquisition of NXP semiconductor transactions will be expected before the end of this year by the European and Japanese antitrust regulators approval of the latter NXP Golden Security chip The current supplier.To this end, the author for the first time get in touch with Jin Li, according to Jin Li Fang revealed that Qualcomm built-in security encryption chip, and will not affect Jin Li, and Jin Li has worked in the field of secure mobile phones for many years, Qualcomm just Began to attempt in this technical field.This security plan of Qualcomm should smoothly carry out, still need to go through a series of attestation to be able to realize commercial in the country, and Jin M7 has already passed authoritative department such as China UnionPay, Certification at this step, Jin Li can now be said to be in a leading position.
All along, users will have a misunderstanding when buying cell phones, we are more concerned about mobile phone performance and system user experience, and thus ignore the security at this stage, whether it is privacy, or taking into account the payment, trade secrets, etc., are the most secure The basic but most important feature, the security configuration from QUALCOMM 845, shows that GE is forward looking with the trend of leading cellphone security.
On December 5, Qualcomm unveiled its newest flagship mobile chip, the Snapdragon 845, in Hawaii. The most compelling features include immersive experience, artificial intelligence-enabled user experience, XR, security, movie-quality video capture, Mega-fiber connection, etc., and built a secure encryption chip this one, so we can not help but think of Jin.
Golden is the earliest advocate of security mobile phone manufacturers, and its biggest feature is built-in security chip encryption, M7 is built-in dual security encryption chip, Qualcomm launched before the end of this year 845 began to consider the issue of cell phone security, so we can not Do not admire domestic mobile phone manufacturers in the technical forward-looking.
Qualcomm this year, the resistance in the acquisition of NXP, according to an informed source, Qualcomm 38 billion acquisition of NXP semiconductor transactions will be expected before the end of this year was approved by the European and Japanese antitrust regulators, the latter NXP security chip The current supplier.To this end, the author the first time and get in touch with Jin, according to Jin Li Fang revealed that Qualcomm built-in security encryption chip, and will not affect Jin Li, and Jin has worked in the field of secure mobile phone for many years, Qualcomm just Began to attempt in this technical field.This security plan of Qualcomm should smoothly carry out, still need to go through a series of attestation to be able to realize commercial in the country, and Jin M7 has already passed authoritative department such as China UnionPay, Certification at this step, Jin Li can now be said to be in a leading position.
All along, users will have a misunderstanding when buying cell phones, we are more concerned about mobile phone performance and system user experience, and thus ignore the security at this stage, whether it is privacy, or taking into account the payment, trade secrets, etc., are the most secure The basic but most important feature, the security configuration from QUALCOMM 845, shows that GE is forward looking with the trend of leading cellphone security.