Two years ago, Jony Ive turned his back from day-to-day jobs to Apple's newly created chief design officer, devoting his energy to designing Apple Park. Now with the official completion of Apple Park, Jony Ive is finally able to work hard Put back on the design of this work.
According to Apple's official spokesman, Apple's design team leadership is now back to reporting directly to the Jony Ive, which focuses only on design, and with the return of Jony Ive, older Apple fans who prefer the old Apple design seem to be able to tap into the next generation The iPhone has more to look forward to.
Two years ago, Jony Ive turned his back from day-to-day jobs to Apple's newly created chief design officer, devoting his energy to designing Apple Park. Now with the official completion of Apple Park, Jony Ive is finally able to work hard Put back on the design of this work.
According to Apple's official spokesman, Apple's design team leadership is now back to reporting directly to the Jony Ive, which focuses only on design, and with the return of Jony Ive, older Apple fans who prefer the old Apple design seem to be able to tap into the next generation The iPhone has more to look forward to.