Hu eat the sea to drink, do more exercise, weight loss effect is certainly greatly reduced, then how to control appetite it, to share several ways to control appetite, I hope for everyone to help.
Drink coffee or tea
Caffeine can increase the body's blood sugar levels, so that the brain does not feel hungry, thereby inhibiting appetite, and chlorogenic acid which also reduces the body's role in the absorption of sugar.
It is noteworthy that the coffee itself is very low in calories, although not afraid to drink fat, but never add extra high-heat butter or sugar, so as to avoid adverse effects.
Exercise is a good way to suppress appetite
Did you realize that your appetite seems to be dampened within an hour after you exercise and that you do not want to have a meal right now? That's right, a moderate exercise lasting more than 30 minutes helps to suppress appetite A good way, studies have shown that within 1-2 hours after moderate intensity of exercise, the body's digestion and absorption capacity is suppressed, about 2/3 or so to reduce the quiet state.So exercise to help you stay away from the temptation of food will also divert you Attention, suppress your appetite!
Adjust meal order
Let's take a look at the order of meals we eat: eat meat and vegetables, eat staple food, then soup, and finally eat the fruit, which is exactly why our appetite is eating more and more.
The correct order of eating should be:
First eat bulky, after eating small size; first eat liquid, then eat solid; eat low-calorie, then eat high-calorie.
Vegetables, fruits are bulky, low-calorie foods, should be placed in front of soup water is liquid food, prone to satiety, it should be placed on the front meal to drink meat high in calories, should be placed in the back to eat. Adjust, you will be close to full, in fact, reduce calorie intake by at least half.
sufficient sleep
In fact, sleep and people's appetite is closely related to poor quality of sleep or lack of time, the body will increase the appetite of the "peptide" hormone rise, appetite suppress the "lean protein" decline, so poor sleep will make the body crave more food .
Sleep at least 7-8 hours a day, which will help reduce appetite and avoid hunger.