Recently, Samsung introduced a Note 8 limited model in South Korea, its name is Note 8 X 99 Avant, limited sales of 99, is a collection value.
It is reported that 99 Avant is an art brand, which only produced 99 limited edition Note 8, you can see this Note 8 has not only the appearance of a unique pattern, and interactive interface icons are also unique .This limited edition mobile phone at the same time A piece of work has a very special AVA eight bit code, in order to prevent the occurrence of piracy engraved.Of course, in terms of configuration this limited edition model is no different, it is essentially Note 8 256GB top Version.
Of course, this machine attracts attention not only its unique design, but also its price.This Note8 limited edition in Korea, priced at 199.1 million won, or about 12,000 yuan.