The real concern for IoT in 2018 is not the trend to open your home appliances or to see couriers flew over rural areas but to use sensors to reinforce There are infrastructure instrumentation to increase reliability and assist in predicting failure, as well as tracking critical assets throughout the product life cycle.
We owe much to our many great, most comprehensive projects of our kind-they include dams, roads and mass transit systems-but these monuments seem too old compared to today's technological innovations, and in fact they Some of this is true.
For example, a part of the population living in the city of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, is below sea level and has been maintained by facilities such as canals, dams, flood gates and pumping stations since the 1830s Those areas were dry, but in August 2017 a massive storm overwhelmed the pumping system and caused some parts of the city to floods; the cause of the disaster was attributed to the fact that 17 pumps were not activated, Pumping turbine has been shut down for several weeks.
The network of pumps at Pumping Station stations, water level / rainfall sensors in all areas of the city, and the Lake Pontchartrain, level gauges in various canals, etc. provide local government As well as insights from experts before or during the next hurricane; combining data from IoT sensors, hyperlocal weather forecasting models, demographics, and predictive maintenance schedules to help To build models of different rainfall and floods, and thus significantly increase the readiness of flood-prone areas for disaster preparedness.
Those IoT principles are also important for asset tracking, especially to help address food insecurity; goods are shipped, boxed and transported to warehouses for warehousing, to trucks for delivery to retail stores, and then to consumers Throughout the journey, a number of potential problems can arise that, if backed by sensors in the supply chain and linked to a cellular communications system, will provide key data points that help to accurately identify where the perishable goods are transported Damaged or traced the root cause of the problem.
Again, these concepts apply to everything from skimobiles rented in the mountains of Colorado to sandmoon ATVs in the desert of New Mexico, Vehicles may experience engine failures or collisions in the uninhabited zone, putting risk-seeking knights in jeopardy; predictable maintenance schedules can be scheduled with Action IoT data planning, engine instrumentation, and cloud services, and at Find the location of the trapped knight in the worst case.
Engineers can take advantage of the Internet of Things to make the world a better place. By installing sensors on existing legacy equipment and tracking valuable assets throughout the supply chain, these solutions improve predictive maintenance performance, save Life can even prevent a disaster.
Compile: Judith Cheng