Today's sensor is IP66 sealed with a very thin active layer of only 0.5mm and a double-sided adhesive layer making assembly easy. The device is extremely durable and has a service life of over 3 million cycles (on request , Providing 10 million and 20 million cycles of products), the operating temperature range -10 ℃ ~ +50 ℃.
Straight-slip UIPMA and rotary UIPMCs are ideal for aircraft seats, communications antennas, syringe pumps and hospital beds, AC valves open, mast, wheel loader steering and mining equipment to measure surface movement through the use of rugged designs Electric actuator and rod positioning system. The sensor is RoHS compliant and can be customized according to user needs.
Samples are now available from UIPMA and UIPMC and mass production has been achieved. Lead times for bulk orders are twelve weeks.