1, Google 2017 the world's top ten search keywords
As the number one search engine in the world, Google receives more than 40,000 search requests per second from anywhere in the world, which translates to 1.2 trillion searches per year. What a huge number! Every year till the end of the year, Google will Announced the annual global search keywords list.Recently, Google released the 2017 annual global search keyword list, of which, HurricaneIrma (Hurricane Erma), iPhone8, iPhoneX ranked the top three.

In addition to the global search keyword list, there are people, international news, actors, consumer technology, general election, movies, music and other search lists in the consumer technology list can be seen, iPhone8, iPhoneX swept the top two, Nintendo Switch Column third, Samsung GalaxyS8, XboxOneX ranked fourth, fifth.It is worth mentioning that two domestic mobile phone OppoF5 and one plus 5 also topped the TOP10 list, it seems that the influence of domestic mobile phone is incredible yo!
2017 Top Ten Consumer Technology Search:
1, iPhone8
2, iPhoneX
3, NintendoSwitch (Nintendo Switch)
4, Samsung Galaxy S8 (Samsung Galaxy S8)
5, XboxOneX
6, Nokia3310 (Nokia 3310)
7, RazerPhone (Razer phone)
8, OppoF5
9, OnePlus5 (one plus 5)
10, Nokia6 (Nokia 6)
Comments: iPhone's list is not unexpected, domestic mobile phone can also list, simply too cow, although it is science and technology consumer list!
2, the world's first generation of simulated cells 'electrical organs' come out
On the 12th, Nature Science magazine (UK) released an engineering update: European scientists reported the first 'organ' that mimics power cells, a flexible superpower made of biocompatible materials, inspired by sources In electric eels, it meets the needs of soft robots and will have great potential on grafts, wearable devices.
The researchers developed the super-power source that simulates the cells for power generation, which is inspired by the 'high-voltage water line', the eel.
Comments: Did you find that nature has always been regarded as a human source of various technical ideas and major inventions.
3, Suning Ali stock gains 3.2 billion
Recently, Suning cloud business announced that, with the authorization, the company has completed the sale of shares of Alibaba Group not more than 550 million shares received a total of about $ 940 million of shares sold for sale worth noting that, after deducting the initial purchase of the principal and shares After the relevant costs and related direct costs are issued, a net profit of approximately RMB3.25 billion (calculated on the exchange rate of RMB against the U.S. dollar on the date of sale of shares) is estimated to be realized, but this profit is more than the sum of the net profit of the previous three years of Suning .
After the reduction, Suning still holds 20,827,700 shares of Alibaba, holding a ratio of 0.81%.
Comments: Is it lack of money? But Suning's annual report this year must be very good.