Last year, Samsung introduced iris recognition for its flagship phone, the Galaxy Note 7. However, Samsung smartphone depended on fingerprints for unlock authentication until now, and with the advent of the Apple iPhone X, the Face ID facial recognition system is also known to the public As a result, many Android phone manufacturers have begun to follow suit to create facial recognition technology.
However, unlike Apple, Samsung has not abandoned the traditional fingerprint reader after it introduced the iris recognizer to its cell phone, meaning that its flagship phone now has both a hybrid fingerprint unlocker and an iris recognizer. Recently, The media on the user preferences which way to unlock a survey, and now, the survey results have been paid.
Findings: More users prefer fingerprinting than iris recognition
Which of the unlocking options is more frequently used for investigating problems like 'iris recognition or fingerprinting.'
Of the more than 2,000 investigators, 55.64% of users chose fingerprint readers, 26.88% said they were both unlocked and the remaining 17.47% preferred iris Recognize.