Back pain is usually eliminated within 6 weeks, but long-term chronic back pain may be a sign of some serious diseases. The United States "Prevention" magazine recently published an inventory of six diseases that may be hidden in back pain.
Aortic aneurysm. Most aortic aneurysms grow in the abdominal cavity and, once ruptured, can cause back pain and transfer to the abdomen.Once over 70 years old male smokers or people with hyperlipidemia have severe back pain and involve the abdomen, seek immediate medical attention.
arthritis. Under the back to bear most of the body weight, more likely to be affected by arthritis. Taking painkillers, anti-inflammatory, heat, physical therapy and so can treat arthritis, the focus is on lifestyle maintenance.
Kidney stones. Nephrolithiasis often occurs in the affected side of the spine (renal area), the upper abdomen, sometimes radiating to the lower abdomen, thighs, and perineum, and includes hematuria, nausea, vomiting, etc. If the fever exceeds 38.6 ° C, the urine A burning sensation, turbid, persistent nausea and vomiting or abdominal pain unbearable, should seek medical care immediately.
appendicitis. About 15% of the appendix long near the back of the kidneys near the appendicitis will feel lower back pain, rather than abdominal pain.
Gynecological problems. A variety of gynecological problems can lead to back pain.For example, 25% of women uterine retrograde dysmenorrhea will feel lower back pain, rather than abdominal pain.When uterine fibroids under the back muscles, nerves, there will be back pain.
Osteoporosis. A recent study found that the most common symptom of osteoporosis, which has long been considered a "silent disease," is severe back pain, which can lead to vertebral fractures, back pain, spina bifida, and height loss.