Ms. Wu readers in Guangzhou asked: I am 55 years old, got paronychia more than 10 years, the treatment has been poor .Recently a finger fussed off, the new nails have not yet fully grown, and now there is a nail ready to fall, how to treat?
Southern Medical University Southern Hospital dermatology chief physician Zhou Zao Gao answer: Finger skin injury easily lead to infection caused by paronychia paronychia initial pus, the ointment can be anti-inflammatory swelling .This patient belongs to the purulent paronychia, inflammation is more serious, need to completely ruled out pus .If it is Empyema, need to incision and drainage, taking antibacterial drugs can add related drugs to relieve pain, soften the nails, to correct the growth trend, to avoid repeated illness .If the incision and drainage did not improve, should consider whether the need to pull out.
In addition to treatment, but also to maintain a week of skin health, nails connected to the skin from injury; hand wash, paint Vaseline or skin cream before going to sleep, enhance the skin's resistance to disease .Nails should not be cut too short, A bed from the best length is the top of a nail to leave a small white edge can have eczema, dermatitis crowd to avoid long-term stay in a humid environment.Diabetes patients difficult to heal after infection, if paronychia more to control blood sugar , To improve the lower limb circulation, do some to strengthen the activities of the foot and lower leg to improve local blood supply; do not wear uncoordinated, airtight shoes and socks, choose soft and comfortable, breathable and good shoes and socks. Do not over pedicure, often Check whether the foot trauma, infection.