IDC global hardware assembly research team market analyst Chen Jian-aid said that although the third quarter is the traditional peak season, but in different applications of the LCD panel is facing a completely different shipping performance.First, the flat-panel LCD panel (Tablet Panel) and TV LCD LCD TV Panel is the main source of quarterly growth, up 16.6% and 7.6% respectively over the previous quarter. Second, the IT liquid crystal display panel is facing the impact of sluggish demand in the peak season. Compared with the second quarter of 2017, the monitor The LCD Monitor Panel declined slightly by 0.1% and the Portable PC Panel declined by 3.5%.
IDC also said that in the third quarter of this year, the proportion of large-size LCD panel shipments, BOE 8.5 generation capacity continued to expand, the large-size LCD panel shipments among the top panel makers, shipments accounted for the overall industry out Volume of 23.5%; LG Display continued to lead the trend of large-size LCD TV panels, TV LCD panel shipments won the No. 1. Taiwan's two panel makers Innolux and AU Optronics (AUO ) Stable shipments, shipments accounted for the proportion of the overall industry are small shipments grew slightly.
The fourth quarter, IDC global hardware assembly research team is expected by the slowdown in market demand, the global large-size liquid crystal display industry may continue the peak season growth momentum, liquid crystal display panel shipments will tend to be conservative, plus the annual television LCD panel average size increase slowed down to 1.2 inches, unable to fill new capacity this year, the fourth quarter of large-size LCD industry will continue to face the challenge of oversupply.