2021 Global IC Market scale of $434.5 billion | Automotive and IoT IC applications grow fastest

Insights, the research institute's latest report, predicts that the global overall IC market will grow from $297.7 billion in 2016 to $434.5 billion for 2021 years. Total 2016-2021-year composite growth rate (CAGR) is 7.9%. In the 12 types of IC terminals application of the main products, only game consoles and tablet computer products with IC market size will fall, the rest such as cars, things networking (IoT) links, mobile phones and other IC applications Market size will show growth. With the car and things connected with the network of IC market scale growth of the fastest, growth than the overall IC 70% higher. The 2017 Global Automotive IC market is expected to grow by 11% ($ 22.9 billion) in 2016, up 22% to $28 billion, and this trend will continue until 2021. 2018 Global Automotive IC scale increased by 16%, up to 32.4 billion U.S. dollars; 2021 amounted to $42.9 billion. Total 2016-2021 years global Automotive IC Market Size CAGR is 13.4%. Second only to the growth of automotive IC is, applications in a variety of systems, sensors and devices, the provision of networking functions of the IC products. It is estimated that the Internet link applications will grow from $18.4 billion in 2016 to $20.9 billion for 2017 years and $34.2 billion in 2021. Total 2016-2021 years CAGR is 13.2%. IC Insights estimate, 2017 IoT related IC sales, will continue to grow 18% after 2016, to increase 14%, up to 14.5 billion U.S. dollars. Sales will grow by 16% in 2018, up to $16.8 billion. CAGR ranked in the top five other IC Terminal application categories are, medical products with IC market (CAGR 9.7%), wearable device IC (CAGR 9%), as well as mobile phone IC (CAGR 7.8%). The above 3 types of IC Applications in 2021 Market size, respectively, Medical Products with IC $7.8 billion, wear-type device IC $4.9 billion, mobile phone IC 105.6 billion dollars. As for the scale will be the decline of the game consoles and tablet computer products IC market, estimated CAGR respectively-1.9% and-2.3%, 2021 game machine IC Market scale of $9.7 billion, tablet computer IC scale of $10.7 billion. In terms of market size, by the DRAM and NAND flash memory average price (ASP) significantly increased the impact of the 2017 mobile phone IC Market size will be a significant annual increase of 24%, up to $89.7 billion; The size of 2018 will grow by another 8% to $97.3 billion; The scale of 2021 amounted to $105.6 billion. Mobile phone products will continue to be the largest IC terminal applications market, accounting for the overall market size of 25%. Under the influence of the memory ASP, the 2017 Global PC IC market will increase by 17.6% to $69 billion a year. The 2018 scale will increase by 5% to $72.6 billion a year. Although the 2016-2021-year PC IC Market Size CAGR only about 3%, less than such as automotive or wearable devices such as IC Application market CAGR, but PC products will continue to be the second largest IC terminal application market after the mobile phone. Single on the 2017 annual market scale, the top five IC Terminal application market, respectively, mobile phone IC market, PC IC, automotive IC, Internet connection with IC, and Server IC. The market size of all kinds of applications was 89.7 billion, 69 billion, 28 billion, 20.9 billion and 16.7 billion dollars.

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