Earlier, some iPhone X appeared in the low temperature environment after the release screen inoperable problem.While Apple released a software update to solve the problem, but the investigation of the root causes of the problem has been ongoing.
As a supplier of flexible printed circuit boards to Apple, Interflex announced a cut-off earlier this week in line with Apple's investigation.
Flexible Printed Circuit Boards connect chips to cellphone components such as displays, and Interflex shares plummet immediately after the discontinuation announcement was announced.
Until last week, Interflex's shares rose 25% in the past two months as the company supplied nearly 45% of its flexible printed circuit boards to the iPhone X. It is one of the major beneficiaries of the new iPhone launch, but this week, The ascent's share price has fallen nearly 30% from 68,000 won at the end of last month.
On Nov. 5, Interflex shares rebounded 7%, mainly due to analysts said that Apple's ongoing survey will not have a serious impact on Interflex's overall profit this year.
According to Kim Woon-ho, an analyst at IBK Investment & Securities: "Some of the flaws were reportedly found in module production rather than in Interflex's final product. If the issue was resolved this week as Interflex expects, then the survey Will not affect its fourth-quarter profit, but if the problem is extended, a slight decline in earnings will inevitably be.However, it is still too early to reduce Interflex's earnings forecasts.
Interflex has said the company plans to resume production soon.