Market research firm KantarWorldpanel ComTech released the latest smart phone market statistics report on Tuesday.Data show that as of October this year, Apple's smart phone market share in urban areas in China increased by 0.5 percentage points to 17.4% .Samsung in China Only 2.2% of Huawei's market share is still declining. Huawei, Xiaomi, Apple, vivo and OPPO are the top five handset manufacturers in China, accounting for 91% of total smart phone sales, up from 79% in the same period of previous year.
Despite this, the share of iPhone in most parts of the world declined, for example in the U.S. market, the share of iOS dropped by 7.6% year-on-year, that of the United Kingdom fell by 8.5%, that of Germany fell by 1.6%, that of Japan dropped by 6.9% The five countries fell 2.1%. In contrast, Android share in these markets to maintain growth, in addition to China.
Dominic Sunnebo, director of global business at Kantar, said that the decline in the share of the world's main iPhone market is inevitable because the iPhone 8 is not the flagship phone compared to the iPhone 7, but the iPhone X is due to be put on the market in early November, Many consumers are waiting for this model and no hurry to buy iPhone 8. So iPhone X is bound to save the share of the responsibility to save iPhone Fortunately, Apple has solved the iPhone X supply problem, in the upcoming Christmas Holiday season, iPhone X explosive performance worth the wait.