Many people have such a misunderstanding of weight loss, light weight just fine, light body weight is not it? But in fact not the case, many very thin girl body does not look good, especially a lot of by diet or weight loss Medicine and successfully cut a few pounds of people the most common is the measurements small, loose skin, of course, such a figure will not look good.
What is body fat rate, body fat rate is the proportion of fat in your body the size of the body fat so the lower the rate, you will look thinner and more, and body fat rate also and the last Articles related to the basic metabolic rate is closely linked to the key to develop easy to lose weight, so you want to have a good body, lower body fat rate is also very important.
Your goal is to reduce the body fat rate rather than weight, it is recommended that at least three times a week 40-60 minutes plus 20 minutes auxiliary strength exercises. Specific methods are as follows:
Aerobic exercise includes running, cycling, dancing, jumping, jumping rope, swimming, ball games and other activities, while ensuring exercise heart rate maintained at 60% -80% of the maximum heart rate, maximum heart rate equal to 220 years of age.
Auxiliary strength exercises: waist exercises, leg exercises, chest exercises. These exercises should also ensure that the strength, strength can not be too large, the number of guaranteed at 15-20 times or so. These exercises can continue to consume fat.
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