Japan plans to start from December 2018, the 8K digital audio and video program broadcast, now from the broadcast start time less than 1 years, the Japanese government General Affairs province officially launched publicity, while the Japanese television related industry to promote the new decoding hardware development, manufacturing 4K and 8K digital audio-visual decoder chip, Solve the problem that relies on built-in chip card decoding at present. The first 1-year ceremony of the new 4k8k satellite broadcast, held on December 1, 2018, decided to launch in December 2018 the official name of the 8K digital audio and video playback, the new 4k8k satellite broadcast, and the Minister of the general Secretary of State Noda appointed to play a promotion representative, the Japanese famous actress deep Tanako, Announced that the Japanese government cooperation to promote the 8K digital audio-video playback business officially launched. As for technical aspects, at present, the Japanese satellite broadcast, mainly using the clockwise right circular polarization mode of transmission of radio waves, the available channels have been almost exhausted, in the case of a large-scale launch of a new communications satellite, the decision in the 12GHz band to append counterclockwise left-circle polarization mode, in the minimum size of the change in hardware conditions Increase the data transmission rate of satellite broadcasting. The least amount of hardware replacement is handled in relation to satellites, in television, the industry wants to change the hardware, the necessary decoder chip built in the television, do not need a set-top box to be able to watch new programs, but now there is still a controversy between the television industry and channel operators, need to coordinate with the General Ministry. The problem of technology, is the image decoding and protection, television programs by the era of wireless broadcasting, consumers as long as the antenna installed, you can program, program signal completely unprotected; Into the era of cable television, in order to provide protection, do not allow people to watch the program casually, manufacturers to provide a set-top box to control the way, and the set-top box must be inserted in the manufacturer's CAs digital chip card to decode the program. At present, the program players also want to use the Set-top box CAs chip card method, but this method is suitable for home television, not for smartphones and tablets, so there is a semiconductor factory want to manufacture a universal decoder chip, in addition to the collection of letters and image decoding operations, Digital audio-visual content providers and consumers can also be registered in the chip, in order to facilitate the expansion of TV playback application flexibility. The main problem with this decoding chip is not the technical side, in the case of manufacturers, in the past set-top box related costs by the player, if the chip built in the television, then the relevant costs are transferred to the television manufacturers, so television factory hope Digital audio-visual program factory share part of the cost, and how to share, has not been finalized.