HNA Hotels Group recently reached a cooperation with Terry Environmental, in its flagship hotel Tanglaya show 'zero waste trip' project, the hotel generated plastic waste recycling.
In the traditional concept, the hotel is a big consumer of disposable plastic products, and only a few of the six small pieces (toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, shower gel and comb) commonly known in the industry cause a lot of plastic garbage. Shows that the hotel industry in China consumes 1.2 million sets of disposable toiletries a day and produces over 840 tons of plastic waste, which require about 2,700 tons of oil to be extracted.
In the Zero Waste Tour project, waste is classified into new plastic granules and can be used to produce new outdoor plastic products through the latest environmental technologies after being classified, sterilized, cut and melted. Using this technology, Recycling of plastic waste, the real plastic zero landfill, zero incineration.
In recent years, HNA Hotels Group has reduced the energy consumption, the concept of low-carbon environmental protection into all aspects of hotel management, from the hotel design, construction, operation and management of all aspects, both from the hardware and software to improve resource use efficiency According to reports, HNA Hotel Group is Terry environmental protection in the domestic hotel industry 's first partner, and' Zero Waste Tour 'start is HNA Hotels Group to deepen the concept of sustainable development, practice' keep saving resources and protection Environment's basic national policy 'requirements of the latest action.