In short, the drone is equipped with a 'debris controller' that will determine the order of distribution of machine parts based on flight path, topography and weather, for example, the controller may not fly safely because of excessive wind speed, or temperature Batteries that are too high to affect the drones.
Upon detection of a loss of flight operation, the debris controller will use different release methods depending on the file, such as latches and hooks. The controller will direct the components to a safe place, such as on a pond or tree. The debris controller will also Think about how to save costs and reduce the damage to the payload when a component is lost.
Amazon did not immediately comment on the patent's next steps.Patents do not always produce a real product, and there are provisions for the use of drone.For example, in the United States, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) developed a restriction Rules for the weight, operating time and speed of self-driving cars.
But the company is working closely with the authorities to achieve the ambition of delivering unmanned aerial vehicles in densely populated areas, one of only six e-commerce giants to work with NASA and the FAA to develop air traffic management systems that will Integrate drones into national airspace below 400 feet by 2019.
Earlier, in October it won a patent on a drones that could drive a car, which in December 2016 conducted its first full-time UAV submission to living in a British country Customer delivered streaming media equipment and a bag of popcorn.