Samsung still ranks first in market share and its sales growth rate of 19.3% Gartner research director Gupta said: 'With the new design elements of the Galaxy S8, S8 + and Note 8 and other new machines, Samsung regain the user's Which is also the main reason why it can compete well with the Chinese wolves and achieved good results in the third quarter. "In the report, he also pointed out that the last two quarters of Samsung achieved double-digit growth in the fourth quarter of 2015.
Among the top five powers, the most breezy is probably Millet, which has experienced a period of depression for a second time. The sales growth in the third quarter was as high as 80%, making it one of the top five best performing companies. It is noted that the growth of millet mainly comes from overseas markets, and India, Latin America and Russia have both become their new growth poles.
OPPO, Huawei, vivo and Xiaomi are thriving in emerging markets with mid-range and low-cost models of their main 4G connectivity and camera.
The top five smart phone market in the third quarter for Samsung, Apple, Huawei, OPPO and millet.
In addition, Gupta also said that the new flagship Apple late in the third quarter late, so that many users will be moved to the fourth quarter after the purchase date, so this year's holiday shopping season intelligent machine sales may be greater increase.
Gartner expects sales of 1.57 billion smartphones this year.