SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 30 (Beijing time) In a news release on the afternoon of November 30, Apple and its vendor Qualcomm were born again and again. The iPhone maker accused the mobile chip designer of behaving like a "patent rogue."
The latest lawsuits and sharp rhetoric spurred Wall Street fears that as the relationship between the two deteriorated, Apple may abandon Qualcomm's modem chip when it makes the next generation of iPhone smartphones.
Lawsuits between the two companies have been on the rise since the beginning of 2017. Apple accused Qualcomm of charging too much for intellectual property and was anti-competitive, while chipmakers said Apple could not have invented the iPhone without its own innovations In July, Qualcomm began accusing Apple of patent infringement and sought to start a ban on imports of Apple 's smartphones in several key markets.
Earlier this Wednesday, Apple responded to a July lawsuit alleging Qualcomm infringed the company's battery management patents, saying that Qualcomm will put Apple's high-efficiency power technology into the flagship Snapdragon 800 and 820 processors , So that Android smartphones, including Samsung Galaxy S7, greatly enhanced power.
The iPhone maker accused Qualcomm of acting like a patent rogue, hoarding intellectual property without making any real product and charging litigation fees alone, marking a freeze in the relationship between the two companies.
In a Wednesday legal document, Apple wrote: 'This case tells the story of the two companies, on the one hand, we Apple created the product category of modern smartphones that give the iPhone the cutting edge design, ease of connectivity and Advanced battery life, and a host of interactive applications that make the phone smarter, while on the other hand, while Qualcomm pioneered the basic technology of making phone calls over the phone, those technologies are outdated. "
Apple did not specify the required amount of patent infringement claims.In January of this year, Qualcomm and its largest customer, Apple Inc., for the first time, the legal dispute between the two companies so that Qualcomm's share price fell sharply.
Due to the poor performance of the stock, Qualcomm competitor chip maker Broadcom company to take advantage of, to be 130 billion acquisition of Qualcomm, but Qualcomm board of directors to bid too low on the grounds to be rejected.Boomcom expected in the next few weeks Turn malicious acquisition, and ready to launch a proxy war with Qualcomm.