Indoor comfort includes the indoor temperature, indoor humidity and indoor air health and many other indicators, and for the small companions in the north heating, comfortable room temperature at any time to enjoy, but the indoor humidity can be difficult to guarantee. A few days is also committed a crime, the temperature at home up to 25 ℃, home have to wear short-sleeved shorts, but the humidity in the room is very low, can be very dry, I just can not stand, newborn baby will feel comfortable So want to improve indoor air comfort, you need to understand the importance of indoor air humidity.
How much humidity the human body most comfortable?
The study found that room temperature is usually between 18 ℃ to 24 ℃, humidity 50% to 60% is appropriate, when the human body feel most comfortable indoor temperature standard for winter heating in China is based on the physiological needs of this body. Standard GB50019-2003 "Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning Design Code" provides that the central heating standard indoor temperature of 18 ℃ ± 2 ℃ .Seventh Session of the 12th NPC Standing Committee in 2014 considered and approved the new requirements, heating Enterprises should ensure that heating and heating period of the user bedroom, living room temperature not lower than 18 ℃ .Currently, China's central heating area to use more of this temperature standards to ensure that users get a warm and comfortable indoor environment.

Humidity is not suitable for human harm?
When humidity is too high: The body of pineal hormones is also large, making the body of thyroid hormone and epinephrine concentration is relatively reduced, the cells will be 'lazy', people will feel listless, malaise .Long humidity in the long place (such as mountains , Island) work, life, but also prone to rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis and other rheumatism.
When humidity is too low: Evaporation to speed up, dry air easily take away the body's moisture, make the skin dry, oral, nasal mucosa irritation, there thirst, dry cough, dumb sound, sore throat and other symptoms, so in autumn and winter dry cold air intrusion, extremely easy Induced pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia and other diseases.