According to foreign media reports, Apple filed a counterclaim against Qualcomm on Wednesday, accusing Qualcomm's Snapdragon cell phone chip infringement of Apple's patent rights, which further expanded the protracted patent litigation battle coverage of the two companies.
In July, Qualcomm accused Apple of violating several patents related to helping mobile phones get longer battery life.
Apple denied that it infringed Qualcomm's patent on battery life and claimed Qualcomm's patents were invalid, and Apple's reaction was routine for such cases.
However, Apple Wednesday filed a filing with the United States District Court in San Diego to amend its response to Qualcomm's allegations that Apple claims it owns at least eight patents for battery life, which Qualcomm infringes on.
Apple's patents include ensuring that each part of the handset processor draws only the minimum amount of power needed, shuts down parts of the processor when not needed, and enables hibernation and wake-up functions to work better.
Apple said in a filing that the Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 and 820 processors violated the patents, and both Samsung and Google did not mention Apple's high-end cell phones and Alphabet's Pixel handsets Weibo) name.
Apple wrote in the indictment: 'In the case, Qualcomm began to seek to have these patents, Apple had several years ago began to seek these patents.'
Apple is still in the counterclaim filed a claim to Qualcomm.
Qualcomm also filed a lawsuit against the U.S. International Trade Commission while filing a patent infringement lawsuit against the company for allegedly infringing on patents forbidding the import of Apple's iPhone using Intel chips.
Patent disputes between Apple and Qualcomm are part of a broader legal battle between the two companies.
In January, Apple accused Qualcomm of detaining nearly $ 1 billion in royalties, while in another suit, Qualcomm sued the Apple phone maker, but Apple joined in and defended those manufacturers.
In addition, Qualcomm is facing litigation from the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, as Apple filed allegations against many of its pricing practices.