Samsung this year to prove that the product is absolutely safe operation, can be said that out of the shadow of the Galaxy Note 7. Currently, Samsung Galaxy S9 / Note9 in the 8 Series has been in full swing preparations .Integrated news sources, Galaxy S9 screen Still 5.8 and 6.2 inches (S9 +), although the same as the S8, but the forehead and chin will be further narrowed, that is, the measurements are more refined than the S8 series.
Meanwhile, a Samsung Chief Engineer's Linked In file shows that the S9 will use new sensors and will also be used on the S10 and the S11. External speculation may be more advanced biometric chips, such as the iPhone X forehead built-in Flood sensor, dot matrix projector and so on.
In the end, South Korean media reported that the Galaxy S9 will be mass-produced in December, so January CES and February MWC appear to be under pressure and are good opportunities.