Yogurt is not fat not drink much, it also contains a certain amount of calories, if the extra meal on the basis of the original meal, the same will cause weight gain.
The best way is to choose yogurt marked with skim and low calorie, although their taste is not as rich mellow as full fat yoghurt, but low in calories, will not make the heat quickly accumulate in the body fat, and green papaya has always been the first A breast good fruit, many stars eat it to breast because papaya enzymes and vitamin A rich in which can stimulate female hormone secretion, help breast enhancement, papaya enzymes can also break down proteins to promote the body's absorption of protein, with meat consumption , The best effect.
Method one: yogurt +Refining milk + One green papaya 150ml sugarless yogurt, with two spoons Refining milk , Stir into green papaya juice, ready to eat, can be placed in the refrigerator frozen, taste better.
Method two: yogurt + condensed milk daily with 150 ml yogurt before meals, with two spoons Refining milk , Stir for consumption.
Method three: yogurt +Refining milk + Chest massage deployment of infinitives can be more system, after bathing every night, apply it to the chest, clockwise anticlockwise alternating massage at least 15 minutes to the chest feeling fever as well.
How much yogurt should be consumed daily
A cup of milk in the morning, a cup of yogurt at night is the best, but some people like yogurt, often after eating plenty of yogurt, may result in weight gain.This is because yogurt itself also contains some calories, yogurt after meal is equivalent to additional photo Therefore, in addition to infants and young children, all kinds of people can promote daily consumption of 1 to 2 cups of yogurt (125 ~ 250 ml) as well, the best half an hour after a meal to drink an hour Regulation of intestinal flora, good for your health.
Yogurt can be warm after drinking
There is a saying is that yogurt should not be heated, is concerned about killing the most valuable yogurt lactic acid bacteria, its role is to produce lactic acid, so that the intestinal acidity, and can inhibit the growth of spoilage bacteria and spoilage bacteria in the intestine produce toxins. Only the yogurt to heat treatment, but will increase the activity of lactic acid bacteria, its unique health effects will be greater, so that yogurt can be heated after drinking .You can put bags of yogurt in about 45 ℃ warm water ss slow Warming, shaking with heat, so milk bags feel warm, you can drink.