Sweating really have so many magical effects? Sweating how much can explain what? Today, we would like to talk about sweating those things ~
Sweating does not mean losing weight
Medical experts believe that 'summer sweating can lose weight' this statement makes no sense. Sweating can help maintain the body's temperature balance, 1 gram of sweat can emit about 580 calories, but about 98% of the sweat ingredients are moisture , Others are mainly minerals such as salt, potassium, etc. The source of sweat, in addition to the free water in the blood, is the bound water stored throughout the body, so few of the sweat is produced by the oxidation of fat, most of which regulate body temperature formation , It is not that the fat can directly become sweat excreted. Sweating is only drainage, people lose weight temporarily while losing water, while normal weight loss means reducing fat.
Sweating does not mean detoxification
Perspiration and detoxification is not the same thing. 98% -99% of sweat in water and electrolytes (including sodium, potassium, chlorine, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and other minerals), only 1% -2% of urea and inorganic Salt and other metabolic waste, so the detoxification of sweat, in fact, is very limited.
About sweating, we also need to pay attention to what?
Most cases of sweating is a body temperature adjustment, do not worry too much, but if the following two symptoms, you need to pay more attention.
Sweating too much
Sweating more to affect normal life, such as hand sweat soaked paper, sweat normal room temperature wet clothes or sheets, etc., is likely to be 'night sweats', you need to rescue a professional doctor.
Sweat too little
Relatively sweating symptoms are more common, the general medication may appear this symptom, then there is a rare genetic skin disease or nervous system symptoms such as symptoms, but also need to go to the hospital for treatment.
Replenishment tips:
When you sweat too much, drink plenty of water, you can drink a small amount of light salt water or lemonade to replenish lost electrolytes,
Before and after exercise and exercise to pay attention to water. 1 to 2 hours before exercise, you can drink a glass of water, exercise and exercise a small amount of low calorie and electrolyzed water, add up to 2 to 3 cups;
Do not drink too much or wait until thirsty and drunk, because the body is already dehydrated when thirsty.
Although sweating can not promote weight loss can not detox, but the feeling of sweat during exercise, to help relieve stress, will make people feel better .I remember to develop the habit of love sports, it can help you lose weight!