Indian government officials said, 'We are waiting to get a good proposal from them ... We are very happy to receive Apple's various ideas and suggestions as it is one of the most popular brands in the world. We are willing to check If they have any difficulty in manufacturing, we are also very happy to help solve the problems, so we will wait for the formal proposal.
Earlier this year, Apple called for a 15-year tariff exemption covering capital requirements for manufacturing and servicing iPhone equipment, components, services and repairs Equipment and consumables, etc. The proposal was rejected by Nirmala Sitharaman, Minister of Commerce and Industry of India.
Apple's efforts to open retail stores in India are continuing, rumored to be considering setting up flagship stores in New Delhi, Bangalore and Mumbai as the hub for most of India's high-end consumers.
All recent signs indicate that the company's plan will eventually be backed by the government of India, and as iPhone SE revenues in India continue to grow, Apple supplier Taiwan Wistron is seeking to expand its production facilities in India.