Recently, Yangzi Petrochemical Refinery No. 2 Delayed Coking Units coke tower condensate water substitute project smoothly put into use in the coke drum large steam phase by replacing part of the condensate steam method, saving the amount of steam blow to achieve the purpose of saving energy and reducing consumption After the project is put into use, No. 2 delayed coking unit can reduce the steam consumption by about 50% in the stage of large steam blow. It is estimated that the annual economic benefit will increase by nearly RMB 900,000.
Refinery Delayed coking unit No. 2 coke drum to complete a green coke cycle, to cut out the coke. Coke drum before the coke need to do a small blow steam, blowing steam, water coke, bubble coke, water and other treatment. In order to ensure the coke The service life of the tower and the long period of stable operation, except for the cooling process of the coke tower to be slow, you need to introduce steam to purge cooling, and then gradually cooling the water supply.While using steam as the cooling medium accounts for about 3% of the entire device energy consumption, Not only the large amount of steam consumes high energy consumption of the device, but also because of the intermittent operation of the large blow-off stage, the use of steam in a short time is large, which is easy to impact on the steam pipe network of the whole plant and poses a potential safety hazard.
To this end, during the overhaul in July this year, Yangzi Petrochemical refinery on the 2 delayed coking unit of the original coke tower large blow steam system for technical improvements, the use of new technology intelligent spray system in the coke drum large steam phase to a certain percentage of condensation Water and steam into the system, through the efficient atomization device to atomize the saturated water into micro-mist droplets to atomized saturated water instead of steam as a large steam medium to reduce device energy consumption and reduce pressure fluctuations in the steam pipe network, To achieve the purpose of saving steam.At the same time, the project after the feasibility of safety assessment, put into operation does not affect the normal operation of the original equipment, does not affect the production.
Recently, the coke plant coking tower condensate water behalf of the steam project completed and transformed into a successful investment.It is estimated that the implementation of condensate on behalf of the steam project can save about 50% of the amount of steam each year can save steam nearly 8,000 tons, thus increasing economic Nearly 900,000 yuan benefit.