iPhone X According to the forecast given by the research institutes, after this year's first iPhone X with OLED screen, Apple will launch several iPhone X series follow-ups based on this, not only inheriting the iPhone X design, but also IPhone X will inherit the name.
Specifically, Apple will introduce two iPhone X-series follow-ups next year, including one with the same screen size as the iPhone X, but the other with a larger screen size of 6.45 inches.
In terms of naming, iPhone X follow-up products or iPhone X-based, but will be integrated before the iPhone's naming strategy, iPhone Xs after the launch of the iPhone Xs, a larger screen that is named iPhone Xs Plus.
IPhone X-series after next year will also adopt this naming strategy may not use the iPhone 4 to iPhone 8 series of Arabic numerals in 2019 may be iPhone XI and iPhone XI Plus in 2020 is the iPhone XIs and iPhone XIs Plus.
As a successor to the iPhone X, both the iPhone Xs and the iPhone XIs will use the same OLED screen as the iPhone X, but as the technology matures, the screen resolution will increase.
It is worth noting that many analysts, including KGI Securities, have predicted that Apple will launch two OLED-based iPhones next year, though they expect the larger screen to be named iPhone X Plus.