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1. Two years of independent operation! The Sun and Moon light silicon merger case finally obtained the Ministry of Commerce conditional release;

Sun and moon and silicon products are signed on June 30, 2016, the exchange of shares, the two sides agreed to share conversion, a total group of new holding company. Sun and Moon said that December 31, 2017, the establishment of the Sun Moon Investment Holding Co., Ltd., launched a new operation mode, will be with the chip to start the establishment of a new holding company operations. It is reported that the total amount of moonlight to spend 170 billion NT dollars.
The merger was first approved by the Taiwan fair in November 2016. May 2017 was again approved by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for review. Today, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce conditional release is the sun and moon light and silicon products in the merger of antitrust review of the last.
According to the Ministry of Commerce, the combination of sun, moon and Silicon will lead to a further increase in market share, reduce the customer's alternative to the main service provider, eliminate the close competition between the two and further enhance its ability to vary pricing.
Before the merger of the two sides, the sun and moon light and silicon products in the global semiconductor sealing and testing foundry services market ranked the industry 1th and 3rd place, in China's semiconductor seal testing Foundry Services market ranked 5th and 1th position. After the merger, The Sun and moon in the global and China Semiconductor industry service market share in the market ranked first, the market share of about 25%-30%. Relying on technology, long power technology, Licheng and other 3 manufacturers of global market share around $number followed, the remaining competitors dispersed and small, market share less than 4%.
Sun and moon light and silicon products in the fast-growing SIP, WLCSP technology types and just the advent of the 3DIC technology has obvious technical advantages and research and development capabilities. This focus will further integrate the sun and moon light and silicon products research and development advantages, the future in the new technology products research and development, promotion and development of the market, the Japanese moonlight may rely on both sides to further expand the gap with other competitors.
Finally, the Ministry of Commerce decided to maintain the sun and moon and Silicon as an independent competitor's legal status unchanged, during the restriction period, the holding company exercised limited shareholder rights. The two parties undertake to provide service to customers without discrimination during the restriction period and to determine reasonably the price of service and other terms of transaction. The two sides promise not to restrict customers from selecting other suppliers during the restriction period, and will cooperate with customers to smoothly convert suppliers according to customers ' requirements.
Wang, the Secretary-General of the mobile phone China, believes that many domestic enterprises do not pay enough attention to the anti-monopoly review of mofcom, in fact, the mofcom has taken full account of the possible impact of the acquisition on the industry during the review process, and explained in the restrictive clauses that domestic enterprises should make full use Even to monitor whether two companies violate the restrictive terms to maximize the interests of local companies, and should react to the Ministry of Commerce as soon as they appear in contravention of the restrictions.
Notice of Ministry of Commerce of P.R. China Ministry of Commerce announces 2017 No. 81st
Ministry of Commerce Notice No. 81st of 2017 on additional restrictive conditions approved Day Moonlight Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. acquisition of Silicon Precision Industry Co., Ltd. announcement of the decision on the concentration of antitrust review by the owner of the equity case "issuing unit", Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China announcement 2017 81st 2017-11-24 the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Commerce) received the Sun Moon Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, INC.) Acquisition of Silicon Precision Industrial Co., Ltd Siliconware Precision Industries Co., LTD., hereinafter referred to as silicon, the owner of the Equity case (hereinafter referred to in this case) is centralized antitrust declaration. Upon review, Mofcom decided to attach restrictive conditions to the concentration of the operator. According to article 30th of the Anti-monopoly law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as "Antimonopoly Law"), it is hereby declared as follows: first, filing and vetting procedures August 25, 2016, the Ministry of Commerce received the case of the operator concentrated antitrust declaration. After examination, the Ministry of Commerce that the declaration material is not complete, require the Declaration party (Sun and Moon) to be supplemented. December 14, the Ministry of Commerce confirmed that the supplementary declaration material in conformity with article 23rd of the Antimonopoly Law, the centralized declaration of the operator to file and start a preliminary review. January 12, 2017, the Ministry of Commerce decided to further review the centralized implementation. After further review, the Ministry of Commerce believes that this concentration may be the semiconductor packaging testing foundry services market has to exclude, the effect of restricting competition. April 12, with the consent of the Declaration, the Ministry of Commerce decided to extend the further review period. Upon further examination of the expiry of the extension period, the declaring party applies for the withdrawal of the case and the approval of mofcom. June 6, the Ministry of Commerce to declare the declaration to be filed for review. The present case is at an extended stage of further review, with a cut-off date of November 29, 2017. In the course of the review, the Ministry of Commerce consulted the relevant government departments, industry associations, competitors and downstream customers, through the issue of questionnaires to the relevant parties, held a symposium, field research and other ways to understand the relevant market definition, market structure, market participants, industry characteristics and other aspects of information, and submitted to the Declaration of documents, The authenticity, completeness and accuracy of the material are reviewed. At the same time, an independent third-party advisory body was engaged in the analysis and evaluation of this centralized competition problem. Second, the basic circumstances of the case the acquisition of the Square Moon in 1984 in Taiwan, the establishment of the Taiwan Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange listing, the ultimate control of the person is natural Zhang. Sun and Moon mainly engaged in semiconductor packaging testing foundry services, in addition to a small number of real estate and electronic components processing, production business. The buyer's silicon products were incorporated in Taiwan in 1983, listed on the Taiwanese stock Exchange and the Nasdaq stock exchange, with no final controller, mainly engaged in semiconductor packaging testing foundry services. Sun and Moon and silicon products signed the agreement on June 30, 2016, will set up the Sun Moon Investment Holdings Limited (hereinafter referred to as holding company, or the sun and moon light after the concentration). After the transaction is completed, the original shareholders of the Moon Moonlight and silicon products through the holding company holding all the shares of the moon, the sun and the moon to achieve separate control. Third, the Ministry of Commerce in accordance with the "Antimonopoly Law", "the State Council antimonopoly Committee on the definition of relevant market guide" and other provisions, defined the case of the relevant commodity market and the relevant regional market. (a) related commodity market. After investigation, both sides engaged in semiconductor packaging testing (hereinafter referred to as the Test) foundry services, the business has horizontal overlap. Semiconductor production mainly includes chip design, wafer fabrication and three-step sealing. The testing service includes encapsulation service and test service. The service provider includes integrated integrated manufacturing services (Integrated design manufacture, abbreviated IDM) suppliers and professional foundry services (also known as outsourcing test Services, outsourced semiconductor Assembly and Test, hereinafter referred to as OSAT, two categories of suppliers. With the miniaturization of integrated circuit industry, intelligent, multi-functional development, the development of sealing technology, has evolved a variety of technical types. 1. No need to subdivide the relevant commodity market according to the test procedure. Packaging services refers to the cutting of the chip from the processing of the grain with plastic, ceramic or metal cover, so that the grain from pollution, easy to assemble, and the chip and electronic system to achieve electrical connection, signal transmission, structure support and chip cooling. The test service is to provide chip testing and final testing to eliminate the electronic function of the chip, in order to reduce the loss of IC products and production costs of the proportion of waste, and to ensure that integrated circuit products, the normal function, speed, tolerance and energy consumption. While the test service includes encapsulation and testing of the two service types, they face the same customer-IC design, manufacturing enterprise. The vast majority of service providers in the market can provide both encapsulation and testing services, and customers typically entrust two services to the same vendor to reduce the time and cost of transhipment of goods. From the billing approach, in most cases, the two services do not charge separately, but are charged at the same cost. In addition, differences in different vendor technologies are more evident in encapsulation than in testing, and the distinction between them has no substantive impact on competition analysis. Therefore, there is no need to define the encapsulation service and the test service market separately. 2. IdM and Osat belong to different related commodity markets. The testing service provider includes the IDM vendor and the OSAT vendor. The IdM supplier is a supplier of its own semiconductor brands, including design, manufacturing, testing, sales, and even extension to terminal electronics, such as Intel, Samsung, etc. OSAT suppliers are not independent semiconductor brands, specifically for the semiconductor design, manufacturing and other related industries to provide customers with the testing of OEM services, such as the day moonlight, silicon products. Under the background of speeding up globalization and deepening international division of labor, IDM suppliers gradually peel off the low-end production capacity and give their own test service to osat suppliers. Although the IdM vendor rarely provides a test service to third-party customers. The IDM vendor is not able to provide stable and reliable services to third-party customers, subject to capacity constraints and the purpose of satisfying domestic demand. Therefore, from the supply point of view, IDM is very difficult to form an effective alternative to Osat, the two belong to different related commodity market. Sun and moon light and silicon products are osat suppliers, to provide semiconductor sealing and testing foundry services, so the case only to investigate the semiconductor seal testing Foundry services market. 3. No need to subdivide the commodity market according to the encapsulation technology. With the miniaturization of integrated circuit industry, intelligent, multi-functional development, packaging technology has progressed, has evolved a variety of different dimensions, different lead structure, different types of connection technology. Market research shows that the choice of packaging technology depends mainly on the customer's chip product design and end product requirements, in the customer design chip products have been decided. The same chip products, may also adopt different packaging technology, depending on its cost, price, function and other needs. Therefore, different encapsulation techniques can be substituted for each other under the condition of close function.
In this case, the relevant commodity market is defined as the semiconductor sealing and testing foundry service market. (ii) relevant geographical markets. Semiconductor sealing and testing foundry services suppliers, customers and capacity all over the world; There are no high tariff barriers between national regions; Integrated circuits related products small size, easy to transport, in the global transport costs are not high, transport costs accounted for less than 1% of the cost of their products. Therefore, the relevant regional market in this case is defined as global, while the impact on the Chinese market is examined. IV. Competition analysis according to article 27th of the Antimonopoly Act, mofcom from the participation of the operators in the relevant market market share and market control power, market concentration degree, the difficulty of market entry, the impact on consumers and other relevant operators, and so on, in-depth analysis of the impact of the concentration of the operator on the market competition, It is thought that this focus on the global semiconductor packaging testing foundry services market may be excluded, limiting the effectiveness of competition. (a) a further increase in the market share of the sun and light after the concentration. Before the focus, sun and moon and silicon products in the global semiconductor seal Testing Foundry services market ranked the industry 1th and 3rd, in the Chinese semiconductor seal Testing Foundry Services market ranked 5th and 1th position. After the concentration, the sun and moon in the global and China Semiconductor industry service market share in the market first, the market share of about 25%-30%. Following the security technology, long power technology, force into 3 competitors global market share of about 10%-15%, the remaining competitors dispersed and small, market share is less than 4%. The antitrust review shows that the technology of semiconductor sealing industry is obviously driven by innovation, and the core competitiveness is mainly embodied in the capability of technology development and upgrading. Sun and moon light and silicon products in the fast-growing SIP, WLCSP technology types and just the advent of the 3DIC technology has obvious technical advantages and research and development capabilities. This focus will further integrate the sun and moon light and silicon products research and development advantages, the future in the new technology products research and development, promotion and development of the market, the Japanese moonlight may rely on both sides to further expand the gap with other competitors. (ii) The focus will be on reducing the customer's alternative to the main service provider of the OEM services. The semiconductor chip has high requirements for the reliability and quality stability of the sealing technology, and the customer of the testing service needs to cooperate closely with the service supplier in the chip design phase, and in the following phase, the supplier needs to take risks and costs. Customers are usually able to select multiple suppliers, or designate a vendor, to circumvent the risk and to balance the supplier's ability to control prices, but have alternative suppliers. If the customer needs to replace the test service provider, it will take about 6 months to 2 years to do the running-in. As a result, the customer has a certain stickiness to the service provider and will not convert the supplier easily. According to the technical type data, the 2012-2016 sun and moon light and silicon products in the common customer [confidential information], about [confidential information] There is no alternative supplier, that is, completely dependent on the sun and moon and silicon products. While this does not mean that some customers cannot have a third option, at least for them, sun and moon and silicon are the most important competitive option, and it may be difficult or inconvenient to select a third-party seal supplier, and third-party suppliers will find it difficult to provide effective alternatives in the short term. From the questionnaire survey and discussion of customers, it is found that the customers usually take the moonlight, silicon, technology and long-distance technology as the preferred supplier of the test service, and consider that these suppliers have a very close substitution relationship. For Chinese customers, the technology is an American company, there are language and communication barriers; Long electric technology just acquired star Branch Jinpeng, technology in the integration period, is not stable; Sun and moon light and silicon are the most important service providers, so this transaction will further reduce customer choice. (iii) Focus on eliminating the close competition between the sun and the moon and silicon products and further enhancing their ability to vary pricing. The price of the service is determined by the supplier and the customer on a one-to-one negotiation, and the terms of the transaction depend on the buyer's strength versus the seller's strength. Economic analysis shows that the sun and moon light and silicon products on Chinese customers profit margin is closer, in China's profit margin correlation coefficient is 0.72 (1 for the same), and both sides of the profit margin over time has a strong correlation, indicating that both in the Chinese market is a close competitor. The concentrated elimination of the Sun and moon Light and the close competition between the silicon products, weakening the price of the silicon on the day of the moon, the concentration of market forces further enhanced. From the buyer's strength, the Osat supplier's customers include three types, IDM suppliers, wafer fab (Fabless) and wafer Foundry (Foundry). Through the regression analysis of the different types of customers and the profitability of customers in different regions, the results show that both parties can implement differential pricing for customers of different types and regions, especially for fabless customers, foundry customers and customers in China. This indicates that the parties to the transaction have a strong seller power over these buyers. Because the main fabless customers and foundry customers in China, the bargaining power is weak, the sun and moon light for the maximum profit, the ability and motivation to implement price discrimination strategy, adversely affect customers, and ultimately damage the interests of consumers. (iv) After the concentration of sun and moon may be engaged in price increases such as unilateral exclusion, limit competition behavior. Antitrust investigations compared the different types of packaging technologies between the two parties in 2016 and the profitability of different regions. The results showed that the profit margin level of packaging technology was different in different period. Different packaging technology The profit margin of customers from China is higher than that of other regional customers; The silicon product is different from the sun-moon light profit margin. Because of the ability of the trading parties to vary pricing, after concentrating, the sun and moon are likely to adjust their pricing strategy by comprehensively assessing the profitability of their respective products, that is, to increase their relatively low profit margins, thereby compromising the interests of customers and consumers. (e) The market entry threshold is high and it is difficult to find new and effective competitors in the short term. Semiconductor sealing industry technology and financial barriers are very high. In terms of technology, the semiconductor industry is characterized by highly technical sophistication and rapid progress, followed by a great cost of research and development, application and improvement of the technology, and close cooperation across the entire industrial chain. In terms of capital, in general, a sealed testing plant from the construction, commissioning, Customer trial production/certification to the large-scale production, it takes about 2 years, the investment of about 20 billion yuan, a short period of time difficult to appear new effective competitors to form effective competition constraints. (vi) Industry characteristics and development trends. While evaluating this concentration in the semiconductor packaging testing foundry services market may be excluded, limiting the effectiveness of competition, the Ministry of Commerce also in-depth examination of the relevant goods in the industry's characteristics and supply and demand changes. The semiconductor industry develops rapidly, the encapsulation technology renews quickly, the research and development cycle is short. The service market of the seal-testing foundry is frequently restructured and the competition pattern is unstable. The location of the industry chain in which the service is sealed determines that its development is largely constrained by the size and capacity of the client. The above-mentioned industry features have somewhat weakened the negative impact of this concentration on competition. Five, additional restrictive conditions in the review process, the Ministry of Commerce will be the case may be excluded, limiting the effectiveness of the review of the competition to inform the Declaration in a timely manner, and with the Declaration on the additional restrictive conditions to reduce the concentration of the operator on the adverse effects of competition and other related issues. With regard to the restrictive conditions proposed by the Declaration, mofcom, in accordance with the provisions on the additional restrictive conditions in the concentration of operators (trial), focuses on the evaluation of the validity, feasibility and timeliness of restrictive conditions. It was assessed that the restrictive conditions proposed by the declaring party to the Ministry of Commerce on November 2, 2017 would reduce the adverse impact of the concentration of the operator on competition. Six, the review decided that, in view of the fact that the operator concentrated on the global packaging testing of the OEM services market may have the effect of excluding competition, according to the declaration direction of the restrictive conditions of the Ministry of Commerce to recommend the final plan, the Ministry of Commerce decided to attach restrictive conditions to approve the concentration, requiring the sun and Keep the Sun and moon light and silicon as the independent competitor's legal person status unchanged, in the restriction period (24 months), each Party shall operate independently and compete in the market according to the management mode and market practice before the transaction, including but not limited to independent management, financial independence, independent personnel, independent pricing, independent sales, independent production capacity and independent procurement. (b) During the limitation period, the holding company exercises limited shareholder rights. It includes: the holding company shall not exercise other shareholder's rights except the right to obtain the dividend and the financial information of both parties; The plans, arrangements, management, and integration of the research and development efforts of both parties can be coordinated by the Group resource integration and decision-making committee established by the holding company; Business-related matters other than the service of the two parties involved in the test may be coordinated by the Group resource integration and decision-making committee established by the holding company; The holding company and the sun or moon light or the silicon product may provide the mutual funds loan or the financing guarantee according to each other's request or need. (c) The Parties undertake to provide services to customers without discrimination during the restriction period and to determine reasonably the price of services and other conditions of transaction. (d) The two sides promise not to restrict customers from selecting other suppliers during the restriction period, and will cooperate with customers to smoothly convert suppliers according to customers ' requirements. The two parties and the holding company submit a report to the Ministry of Commerce every 6 months on the performance of the above additional restrictive conditions. The restrictive conditions of supervision and implementation in addition to this announcement, the two sides on November 2, 2017 to the Ministry of Commerce to submit additional restrictive conditions suggested that the final plan for the moon and silicon products are legally binding. The Ministry of Commerce shall have the right to carry out such obligations by supervising the trustee or by supervising the sun and moon light and silicon products. Sun and moon light and silicon products if the above obligations are not fulfilled, mofcom will deal with the relevant provisions of the Antimonopoly Act. This decision shall take effect from the date of the announcement. Annex: Sun Moon Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and silicon Precision Industrial Co., limited the additional restrictive conditions proposed to the Ministry of Commerce November 24, 2017
2.Intel Emergency Repair chip vulnerabilities worldwide millions of computers in the scope of impact;
Set of micro-network messages, Intel confirms that the PC processor chips sold in recent years have a serious security flaw that can allow hackers to launch unauthorized attacks from remote computer systems, with an estimated millions of PCs globally affected.
Intel has released a security update on its website, providing testing tools for users of Windows and Linux platforms, advising users to test first. This wave of affected processors includes 6th, 7 and 8th generation core processors, a variety of Xeon processors, Atom, Celeron and Pentium series processors.
3. Intel 5G Products debut Mobile Partner Conference, announced the launch of the Otii project;
Set micro-network November 24 report
2017 China Mobile's global partners are being held in Guangzhou. The theme of this year's conference is ' and creating the future, the world of wisdom, ' and it is reported that more than 5,000 guests from the global industry chain have attended the conference. As an important partner of China Mobile, Intel is exhibiting many products, including 5G Network solutions, artificial intelligence innovation technology, and the world's leading 10 nm process wafer. In addition, China Mobile at the conference jointly announced that Intel, in ODCC (Open Data Center Committee) to launch a telecommunications application-oriented open IT Infrastructure Project--OTII (open Telecom IT infrastructure).

5G has become the hottest topic and Intel has shown many results
The exhibition site can be seen everywhere 5G logo, many manufacturers will also be 5G as their focus of publicity, Intel also demonstrated a variety of 5G-related products.
Among them, Intel's newest generation of ' 5G Mobile test Platform ', the equipment business in the early 5G Equipment Innovation Foundation, can be 5G network and equipment for rapid field testing and interoperability testing. Its strengths: The first is [both performance and flexibility], with high-performance, programmable and software-driven processor-FPGA and core processor i7 that can be quickly updated; The second is [full band support capabilities], and colleagues support 3.5GHz, such as the following 6GHz bands and millimeter wave bands (including 28GHz and 39GHz).

On-site display of another 5G Flexran network machine drew attention. It is an agile cloud-ready platform that delivers the ideal 5G solution that can be fully run on the Intel Xeon Processor server platform, easily scalable, meet a variety of business scenarios such as Vran, MEC, and provide high throughput, low latency 5G wireless connectivity.

In addition, the site also has a 5G-ready Intel Xeon Scalable processor that is the next generation platform for cloud-optimized 5G networks, network workload performance is significantly higher than the previous generation of products, and has excellent scalability and flexibility, to provide the most powerful support for network transformation.
In 5G chips, Intel has announced its latest progress and future plans before the show. The Xmmtm 8060 modem, which is expected to be used for commercial terminals in 2019 years, will be Intel's first Multimode commercial 5G modem to support all 5G non independent and independent NR as well as various 2G, 3G (including CDMA) and 4G traditional modes.
Intel ®xmm™7660, which will be shipped in 2019 and commercially available, supports CAT-19 capabilities and supports up to 1.6GB per second of transmission speed. And the xmm™7560 modems released at the 2017 World Conference on Mobile communications have achieved gigabit speeds.

Move a joint Intel startup Otii project that will establish an open, standardized server technology solution
In addition to the product display, Intel has also announced with China Mobile that it has launched an open IT Infrastructure Project--OTII (open Telecom IT Infrastructure) in ODCC (opening data Center Committee) for Telecommunications applications.
The primary goal of the OTII project is to form a deep customization, open standard and unified Standard Server technical scheme for the telecommunication Industry for the transformation of the network it-oriented. The project was launched under ODCC by China Mobile United Telecom, China Unicom, China National Institute of Communication, Intel and other companies.

According to a technical expert from China Mobile and Intel at the launch meeting, the OTII server focuses on the future business needs of the carrier network it application scenario. The project will introduce network acceleration, NUMA balanced and other technologies; Unified hardware BIOS setup and Device management interface; As far as possible to unify the core device selection and hardware configuration and so on, in order to enhance server performance, stability and compatibility, enhance deployment and operational dimension efficiency, better support the future development of telecommunications business.
At present, the Otii project has identified the responsibilities of the parties, including four main areas:

First, the three major operators as end users will be presented to three operators, mobile, Telecom, Unicom, we are mainly as the end-user demand, including motherboard specifications, compounding, core component selection, hardware configuration, management equipment requirements and a series of like needs.
Second, as a third-party unit, it will be responsible for the preparation of some specifications and the work of third-party testing.
Third, Intel, as a x86 chip provider, will provide the motherboard design and validate it at an early stage to continuously refine it to ensure continuity with Intel's subsequent CPU platform evolution.
Finally, Terminal server vendors in the future based on the Intel motherboard reference design and user requirements, improve the overall server hardware design, research and development, trial production.
It is reported that the current Otii project has been formally completed in the ODCC Server team, and the ODCC member units of the positive response, currently involved in this project companies include Huawei, Wave, Lenovo, Shuguang, ZTE, Beacon, Xinhua three more than 10 mainstream server and component suppliers, More vendors are expected to join the project.

Du Yu Yang, director of Asia market development at Intel's Network platform division, said in a speech that Intel is partnering with a wide range of partners to drive the transition to an agile, flexible and scalable network architecture for the rise of the data economy and the trend towards cloud integration. In this process, NFV is the key technology to achieve this transformation. Intel has long maintained close technical cooperation with China in traditional it, cloud computing, network and data center areas. The joint launch of the Otii project, it is the two sides to promote NFV-oriented network transformation and cloud transformation of the latest cooperation results. With its strong technology accumulation and rich ecosystem resources, Intel is committed to working in depth with operators, research institutions and server providers to lead the network to a wave of transformation.
In addition to 5G products and otii projects, Intel's 10nm process, small base station, artificial intelligence, 3D face technology, panoramic shooting and live broadcast, smart family and so on are technical solutions or product demonstrations at the current China Mobile partner Conference.
4. The American research team developed the silicon chip polishing communication technology
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology says a team of researchers has developed a new material that integrates optical communications on silicon-based chips to deliver higher speeds and lower energy consumption than wire signals. The results are published in the latest edition of the journal Nature Nanotechnology.
This new material is two molybdenum telluride, which is a kind of two-dimensional transition metal sulfide which attracts much attention in recent years. This ultrathin structure of semiconductors can be integrated on a silicon-based chip and can emit or receive light signals under the action of an electrode. Gallium arsenide is traditionally a good photoelectric material, but it is difficult to be compatible with silicon-based materials. In addition, the traditional photoelectric materials emitted by the optical signal in the visible frequency band, easy to be absorbed by silicon materials; Molybdenum telluride can emit infrared light and is not easily absorbed by silicon, so it is suitable for optical communication on chip.
At present, this technology is in the proof-of-concept phase, and the distance is practical. The research team is also looking at other applications that can be integrated in the field of optical communications with ultra-thin materials such as black phosphorus. By changing the layer number of the black phosphorus material, it can adjust the wavelength of the light signal, which is compatible with the current mainstream optical communication technology. Science and Technology Department website