As the 5G moves out of the lab, it will bring a new round of challenges for operators and test engineers from the research and prototype deployment to the pre-commercial phase.In the recently held Rohdes & Schwarz (R & S) In the annual forum of technology, technologists from Germany visited the 5G & IoT keynote speeches to introduce the latest developments of 5G standardization and global deployment and put forward the solution of 5G commercialization test solutions, focusing on the wireless Internet of things (IoT) the next step.
After a long research phase and early prototyping and deployment, the 5G started to move towards more specific standards and builds. "Gunter Pfeifer, R & S's wireless communications technology manager, noted that 'pre-commercial measurements have begun in the middle of this year and 3GPP From the drafting of the 5G NR in March this year and accelerating the implementation of standardization in line with the progress made by the industry, it is expected that the first specification of NR NSA will be officially announced by the end of this year.
As of September this year, 81 operators in at least 42 countries worldwide launched more than 140 different 5G and related technology demonstrations and pre-field tests. For the pre-standard 5G technologies such as NR interface, beamforming, massive MIMO and other technologies Combined with support for low-latency backhaul networks, cloud and edge deployments, etc. Gunter Pfeifer also expects the next phase of the 5G test to begin in mid-2018.
As operators roll out their pre-commercial deployments, they are expected to face a new round of testing challenges. Gunter Pfeifer said higher bandwidth, larger connections and lower latency are the next 5G deployments that must be new Technology to achieve, but also for the test equipment performance, cost and flexibility put forward higher requirements. '5G high data transfer speed due to the need for higher bandwidth, which must be more high-frequency mmWave (mmWave) technology to In addition, the problem of high transmission loss due to the use of the mmWave band can be overcome by massive MIMO, whereas the active antenna system (AAS) can achieve beamforming. However, AAS must also perform over-the-air (OTA) ) Test.
R & S offers complete multivariate test solutions covering multiple antenna MIMO, mmWave, RF compliance, and beamforming antenna arrays to help validate specific 5G technologies and overcome the attendant testing challenges.
And on the way to the 5G, 3GPP is also working to enhance the IoT's new wireless standard that works with cellular network infrastructure, said Joerg Koepp, marketing manager at R & S IoT, which includes products with lower power / latency and Enhanced Narrowband Internet of Things (eNB-IoT) supporting functions such as mobile and multicasting, and enhanced eMTC FeMTC supporting VoLTE and multicasting, all of which enhance the capabilities of next-generation 5G networks for a large number of machine types An important step toward massive MTC.
Today, as Bluetooth 5 and Wi-Fi, which supports the next generation of 802.11ah / ax standards, are smart homes for smartphones, smart cities are ready for LPWAN such as NB-IoT, LTE-M, Sigfox and LoRa for continuous progress and optimization, Joerg Koepp expects to be a wireless IoT year by 2018. 'We are now at the beginning of this Cellular IoT journey,' with the rapid evolution of the 5G network, massive MTCs, enhanced mobile broadband, and ultra-reliable With extremely low latency communications to further realize the future of the Internet of Things.
In addition to '5G & IoT', the R & S Annual Technology Forum offers in-depth discussions on multi-antenna design and channel testing, millimeter wave and beamforming, and the 'Sub-6GHz Massive MIMO, V2X vehicle communications and vehicle radar technology issues.In addition, R & S and in the activities of the planning area of the dealer area and solutions display area, inviting dealers and industry partners to conduct live demonstration of the site to attract manufacturers from mobile communications devices , Product technicians, telecom operators, schools and research institutes attended the event.