Earlier, Samsung Electronics said that because of the problem of screen aging, the current OLED display is only suitable for smart phones and other devices with shorter life expectancy, but not for TVs and computer monitors.In view of this, Apple, LG, TSMC, Samsung And other technology giants have set their sights on a new generation of display technology MicroLED.And the latest news that Samsung is expected to be held in early January CES2018 show MicroLED television.
According to foreign media ZDNet reported that during CES2018, Samsung will showcase its first TV based on MicroLED screen, the maximum size up to 150 inches.
Compared with the OLED panel, MicroLED LED units can be less than 100μm, thereby solving the problem of burning screen, longer life.Meanwhile, the module thickness can be thinner, lower power consumption, making the MicroLED screen response time, resolution, Display and other aspects are also ahead of the OLED.
Samsung also said that if all goes well, by 2018 can mass-produced based on MicroLED screen TV.
It is worth mentioning that, as early as 2012, Sony has already launched its own MicroLED TV in early 55, but so far no commercial production.