Following Intel's announcement of a new chip partnership, the former director of the Radeon Technology group, Raja Koduri, also announced its alliance with Intel, leading Intel to build independent drawing hardware. According to digital trends, Intel has been wanting to be weak in the graphics field, the personnel appointment is the most vigorous attempt by the company since the introduction of the core series of processors, after all, Intel's HD integration shows a slow pace, Performance even lags behind the ultra micro and Nvidia entry. For example, the graphics card UHD 620 in the Intel 8th generation processor, although more than 900 points in the 3DMark Fire strike run, but the Nvidia GTX 1050 run points to 5,400, the gap is not small. Intel's press release expressed a desire to build graphics hardware for various systems, for many reasons, one of which is to retain the powerful and faithful group of gamers, and the second is to break the sided advantage of Nvidia in the field of data center, self-driving and research programs. Since the middle of the 1990, almost all home computers have adopted standards such as the Intel processor plus Windows operating system, and even if the word Wintel is obsolete, the reality remains unchanged. Only such an advantage has been shaken by Apple and Qualcomm (QUALCOMM), and Intel's technical advantages are not apparent in the use of PCs in general, but the rich 3D graphics shown by these rivals ' ipads and smartphones can easily roll up Intel's display cards. The threat of these rivals will intensify in 2018, and Qualcomm has worked with Microsoft to produce Windows 10 laptop computers that are compatible with all Windows software, and the first products are expected to be delivered at CES 2018, and it is not hard to imagine such a cheap, lightweight, What kind of damage will be done to Intel by a computer that lasts and is ready to connect? Apple's ipad Pro is not a direct replacement for the Intel laptop, but the goal of Apple's growing hardware is to want consumers to opt for the ipad rather than the traditional PC, but the ipad Pro function is not complete yet, but it can be improved in a few generations. and its versatility and portability, along with its visual effects, are believed to be more appealing to consumers than the 2-in-1 laptop computer that carries Intel processors. Without an efficient graphics chip, Intel will not be able to provide a complete solution like a competitor, which is why Intel needs better graphics hardware. Koduri's entry can mend the gap, but it will take time, at least until the second half of 2019 or even 2020 years, to see real progress.