So far we have introduced a lot of different techniques for using wireless mesh networks, initially motivated by the creation of a reliable military network that has since been used for industrial purposes and then also found in smart buildings and homes The main reason for the lack of widespread adoption of Mesh networking over WiFi and Zigbee networks is the lack of interoperability between vendors.Most of the solutions so far have been patented and the new Bluetooth mesh will change status quo.
From the personal network to the mesh network of Bluetooth technology evolution
Bluetooth is initially a Personal Area Network (PAN) technology, with point-to-point connections paired with nearby devices and many objects making it easy to connect wirelessly (such as a computer's input device), especially in the audio market This technology is used in a variety of wireless headsets, which later support broadcast capabilities that allow one-to-many connectivity, which can be positioned via beacons to supplement outdoor GNSS technology to indoor navigation applications where satellites Positioning unreliable.) In the Bluetooth version of the promotion process, it has been continuously enhanced and improved to achieve longer distances to achieve higher throughput and improve energy efficiency.Today, Bluetooth 5 is the home and office space erection One of the best network options for the emerging smart home market, industrial smart offices and smart factories Mesh Networks, a new addition to the Bluetooth standard, will be a success when it has significant advantages over earlier mesh solutions.
Four major advantages of Bluetooth compared to other mesh technologies
1. Easy upgrade - Bluetooth mesh can be upgraded from any Bluetooth low energy (BLE) version (BLE 4.0), which means any BLE device can be connected to a mesh network only through software upgrades This feature, combined with ubiquitous Bluetooth technology, gives the Bluetooth mesh a key advantage over the major rival ZigBee, which is based on the 15.4 standard and its threads, and each smartphone and tablet will be able to securely connect to a Bluetooth mesh Network, users simply have to download one application to be able to operate a simple and familiar dashboard in their hands, compared to Zigbee's lack of integration into mobile devices.
2. For the future - Bluetooth mesh is the world's first mesh standard to be defined to the application layer. It is more than just a networking technology. Its Mesh mesh model can be viewed as a compatible Bluetooth profile for A specific application defines the behavior of functions, controls and mesh devices so that interoperability between multiple vendors can be guaranteed and future use of the device is assured, for example the light switch purchased today ensures the future 10 years can control the light bulb.
3. Low power consumption - Usually mesh technology can not meet the requirements of low power consumption, but the Bluetooth mesh is very energy-saving. In most cases, the mesh infrastructure needs to connect to the main power supply, but the Bluetooth mesh for low power and battery-driven Of the nodes are very friendly, such as light switches and temperature sensors.In fact, the concept of 'friendship' is introduced in the context of using the Bluetooth Low Energy standard to address those low power nodes such as temperature sensors that can be attached to the mesh network, each Hour, or when the temperature reaches a certain threshold, the user can also update the temperature threshold with the smartphone at any time when the sensor is in sleep mode, and 'friends' in the mesh network buffer the command and after the temperature sensor wakes up The first time forwarded to it.
4. High security - Bluetooth mesh is highly secure and is the key to the Internet of Things All Bluetooth mesh mes- sages are encrypted and authenticated on two levels: networks and applications Bluetooth mesh mes- sages are delivered through mesh nodes if This node is not the final destination and can not read the message.Not only the specified node that receives the message can read the message.Additionally, new devices can not join the mesh network without authenticating and sharing the correct mesh network security key. , The network key can also be continuously refreshed by the security key update program.
Wireless mesh is a successful and practical technology, but up until now has suffered from a lack of consistency and interoperability between vendors, however, a standard, low-power, highly secure version with strong group support may Is the only element missing from the boom in mesh networking.The new Bluetooth Mesh is the best networking technology because it meets all of the above needs and has been brewing and interoperating for a long time before being approved Testing, and is now ready to conquer the market.We have seen chip makers have a strong interest in mesh networking.