Google and Samsung have worked together in mobile devices and Android over the past decade, but Google has recently been actively developing smartphones and artificial intelligence (AI), and has Electronics with LG Electronics, seemingly deliberately alienating Samsung. Samsung Electronics has adopted the Android 8.0 beta version on mobile devices but has not yet obtained a compatible certification from Google, causing an error in the updated version of the Galaxy S8 handset user, according to the Korean newspaper. However, LG Electronics used the same beta test version before Google to obtain certification, the two formed a clear contrast. Samsung on November 2, 2017 for South Korea SK Telecom (SK Telecom), KT Telecom (KT), LG + about 10,000 Galaxy S8 and Galaxy s8+ users for the Android 8.0 Oreo Beta version of the operating system update. Android 8.0 Oreo is Google's 2018-year-old version of the official release, operating speed, power management, screen display, images and other aspects of the functions are improved. But the first update of the Galaxy S8 users not only the mobile phone smoothness has not improved, on the contrary, there are often error messages, the situation that a particular application (APP) will be unable to open or create a folder, the system notification also has a problem, the most serious is the continuous automatic reboot, causing users to protest. To ensure that all apps that appear on the Android market work properly, there is an Android CTS (Android compatibility Test Suite) authentication mechanism that requires a certain fraction of the handset industry, To install Gmail, Google Maps and other Google services on the mobile device. Technology industry said that Google Oreo and device compatibility certification is not difficult, it is clear that Google and Samsung cooperation is not the same as in the past, so it will be in the simple certification issue delay. The updated Korean Galaxy S8 users complained that Samsung as a white mouse, upgrade to the beta has not yet been certified, will appear a lot of inconvenience in the use of mobile phones. For this reason, Samsung said the beta version of the software was originally used to test and improve, without excessive guesswork, which are part of the testing process. The relevant issues are being discussed with Google and will try to resolve them as soon as possible. 2016 Google launched a high-end smartphone with Samsung Pixel, Samsung is the acquisition and AI platform industry Viv Labs Development AI Voice Secretary Bixby. Samsung decided to install Bixby and Google Assistant on the Galaxy S8 at the beginning of 2017, while maintaining competition and coexistence with Google, but the industry believes that Google and Samsung are invading each other's fields, resulting in a friction between the partnerships. People familiar with the information said that in 2014 Samsung and Google signed a comprehensive patent cross licensing content, Google banned Samsung use can replace the operating system of the competitive function of software, so Samsung will have to S8 on the Galaxy Bixby and Google assistant coexist.
Google in order to contain Samsung, began with Le Gold, the development of the Korean version of Google Assistant convenient LG in high-end smartphone G6, V30 on the use of, and Samsung Bixby each other. Industry sources said LG Electronics has made a 3-generation order for Google Pixel, which is scheduled to be listed in 2018, and its OLED panels will be supplied by LG Display. South Korean industry said that the end of November 2017 LG Electronics will open V30 mobile phone users upgraded to have obtained the Google CTS certification of the Android 8.0 Oreo, continue to maintain close cooperation with Google. Samsung is Google's biggest customer, even if both partners and competition, not immediately enemies.