
腾讯科技讯 10月16日消息, 今日乐视控股官方微信发布《有关公司董事长贾跃亭诉顾颖琼造谣诽谤案被美国法院正式受理的声明》, 称美国洛杉矶高等法院于10月6日正式受理贾跃亭对顾颖琼提起的法律诉讼.

乐视控股称起诉理由包括顾颖琼实施的诽谤, 诋毁, 跟踪等侵权行为严重侵害了贾跃亭先生的合法权益; 诉讼请求包括判决顾颖琼承担一般性, 特定及惩罚性损害赔偿, 及禁止其继续对贾跃亭先生进行任何骚扰, 诽谤和造谣等.

'本公司重申尊重所有人的言论自由, 并诚挚接受公众的监督与批评, 但是绝不能容忍任何歪曲事实, 不择手段地故意造谣诽谤等非法行为. 对于顾颖琼藐视法院临时禁令, 损害公司董事长贾跃亭及公司合法权益的行为, 我们将坚决通过法律途径捍卫自身权益. '

此前, 美国法院9月底已经向顾颖琼发布了相关禁令, 禁令要求顾颖琼不得再造谣诽谤, 侵害贾跃亭权益. 顾颖琼回应称, '我发誓, 你一到北京, 我就删除我所有关于你的文章, 登报道歉! 不怕贾跃亭起诉, 将和他在美国法庭交战. '


继2017年9月29日向顾颖琼(Yingqiong Gu)发出临时禁令, 禁止其继续造谣诽谤本公司董事长贾跃亭之后, 美国洛杉矶高等法院于10月6日正式受理贾跃亭对顾颖琼提起的法律诉讼. 起诉理由包括顾颖琼实施的诽谤, 诋毁, 跟踪等侵权行为严重侵害了贾跃亭先生的合法权益; 诉讼请求包括判决顾颖琼承担一般性, 特定及惩罚性损害赔偿, 及禁止其继续对贾跃亭先生进行任何骚扰, 诽谤和造谣等.

本公司重申尊重所有人的言论自由, 并诚挚接受公众的监督与批评, 但是绝不能容忍任何歪曲事实, 不择手段地故意造谣诽谤等非法行为. 对于顾颖琼藐视法院临时禁令, 损害公司董事长贾跃亭及公司合法权益的行为, 我们将坚决通过法律途径捍卫自身权益.

乐视控股 (北京) 有限公司


Announcement on Summons of Lawsuit against Yinqqiong Gu by LeEco Chairman Yueting Jia

October 6, 2017, Superior Court of California County of Los Angeles officially issued a summons based on the filing of a lawsuit against Yingqiong Gu by Mr. Yueting Ji. In the lawsuit, Plaintiff Yueting Jia' s compliant include causes of action such as libel, slander, stalking conducted by Defendant Yingqiong Gu that seriously infringed the legitimate interests of Mr. Yueting Jia. Yingqiong Gu' s petition for reliefs include general, special, and punitive damages and injunction prohibiting Defendant from making harassing, liberlous or slanderous statements on Plaintiff.

On September 29, 2017, Los Angeles High Court has already issued a temporary restraining order to Yingqiong Gu, prohibiting any form of harassment, stalking, threat, assault, in public or private to Mr. Jia.

LeEco Holding reaffirms our respect for the freedom of speech and sincerely accepts any supervision and criticism from the public. However, we won' t tolerate any unlawful acts that distort facts and deliberately assault and slander. We will protect the legitimate rights of our Chairman Mr. Yueting Jia and LeEco through legal actions against Defendant.

LeEco Holding (Beijing) Limited Co.

October 16, 2017

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